Port Infrastructure Program in Mexico
In Mexico the policies, guidelines, goals and methodologies refering to transport, are the responsibility of the 'Secretaria de Comunicaciones y Transportes'...

Central Arizona Project Startup
The Central Arizona Project is a water conveyance scheme, lifting and conveying Colorado River water from Lake Havasu on the Colorado River 190 miles to Phoenix and another 150 miles to...

Toe Drain System?Barr and Milton Reservoirs, CO
The purpose of this paper is to describe the design and construction of toe drains in difficult soil conditions for two 70 plus year old dams in Colorado using a unique toe drain installation...

Scale Model Study Benefits Hydropower Project
The Jim Falls Project on the Chippewa River in Central Wisconsin deals with the replacement of an aged 11 MW run-of-river hydropower plant by a 48 MW peaking plant. A hydraulic model built...

Design and Construction of TCE/PCE Removal Facilities
This paper presents a review of the design and construction of a facility in Arcadia, California, to remove trichloroethylene (TCE) and tetrachlorethylene (PCE) from groundwater. The City...

Corps of Engineers Automation of Real-Time Water Control Management
Automation of real-time water control management activities has enabled the Corps to keep pace with an ever increasing workload in a time of fiscal constraint and reduced manpower. Where...

Application of a Stochastic Hydrology Model
This paper presents the development and application of a multi-site, multi-season stochastic hydrology model for the Sacramento Valley portion of the Central Valley of California. The...

Water Management of the Tenn-Tom Water
In December 1984 the final segments of the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway were completed. The Waterway connects the Tennessee River to the Gulf of Mexico at the City of Mobile. The total...

Solving Stormwater Drainage Problems Through an Area Drainage Master Study Program
The Flood Control District of Maricopa County, Arizona, is the floodplain and stormwater management agency for the most densely populated county in the State. A major new tool being used...

Flood Reduction Efficiency of the Water-Management System in Dade County (Miami), Florida
Two tropical weather systems, Hurricane Donna (1960) and Tropical Storm Dennis (1981), produced nearly equivalent amounts of rainfall in a 48-hour period south of the Miami (Florida) area....

Emergency Flood Management, Salt Lake City, Utah
This paper discusses Salt Lake City's response to the floods of 1983 and 1984. Peaks during these years were very high with historic records being set in both years. Management...

Stormwater Management in Kansas
This paper evaluates the current stormwater management practices of Kansas cities. This evaluation is based on a survey of all Kansas cities with populations over 10,000. Issues examined...

Characteristics of Intense Storms in Kansas
This paper examines point-rainfall characteristics of intense storms in Kansas. Hourly rainfall records were analyzed for 1006 intense storms selected from some 1800 station-years of data....

Selecting a Stormwater Service Level for Urban Control
Recently, more and more emphasis is being placed on the maintenance of pre- and post-development runoff peaks from a specified design storm. The limit on post-development flood peaks requires...

Use of Continuous Simulation Versus the Design Storm Concept for Water Quality
The validity of the design storm concept has been challenged by several investigators since the development of computer simulation models. Of particular interest are the studies that compare...

A Robustness Constraint for the Analysis of Uncertainty
A sensitivity-based definition of system robustness is presented that can be formulated as a constraint within an optimization framework. The optimization framework permits the tradeoffs...

Optimization, Simulation and Multiobjective Analysis of Operating Rules for Reservoir Systems
In this paper, three steps are proposed for establishing reservoir operating rules which can be used in real-time without flow forecasting. In the first step, optimization models are used...

Oxygenation of Releases from Richard B. Russell Dam
The oxygen injection system at the Richard B. Russell project has a continuous injection system located 1 mile upstream of the Russell damsite but also has supplemental injection capability...

A Perspective on Performance Variability in Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facilities
Excessive variability in effluent quality can cause wastewater treatment plants to fail to meet their discharge permit limits. This paper summarizes our understanding of the nature, causes,...

The Reliability of Treatment Systems
The purpose of this paper is to present the results of case studies of zero and first order reactor systems and an activated sludge treatment system consisting of a primary settling tank...





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