Utilization of Numerical Models in Groundwater
For many years numerical models have been used in groundwater hydrology. In a recent assessment of the availabilty and use of models, a number of problem areas were identified. Some of...

Deterministic and Statistical Water Quality Modeling
An integrated methodology is presented, based on a hierarchical package of computer models ranging from simple micro-computer programs to more complex mainframe simulation, to address...

Water Quality Modeling of Key Largo Coral Reef
A numerical model called CORALSIM has been developed for the Key Largo Coral Reef National Marine Sanctuary in the Florida Keys. The model was developed as a management tool to study the...

Estimating Delays at Navigation Locks
Tow delay is an important component of cost at navigation locks, and delay reduction is a major benefit of lock improvement. Computer simulation is a valuable method of estimating lock...

Micro-Computer Water Develoment Screening Models
A micro-computer screening model was developed to analyze the physical and economic efficiencies of a large number of alternative options associated with a given water development project....

Large Scale Water Resources Systems Planning-Approach and Case Study
Planning approach for large scale water resource systems planning backed by models has been developed. Four hierarchial stages are identified and mulitlevel multiobjective models have...

The Water Resources Models of the Instream Flow Group
The Instream Flow Group of the US Fish and Wildlife Service has five analytical systems designed to assist in the development of instream flow criteria for water resources projects. Models...

Computer Model for Wastewater Reclamation
This paper describes how an efficient computer model can be constructed and used to evaluate planning options for wastewater reclamation. The situation in the City of Scottsdale, Arizona,...

Parameter Identification in Water System Models
Parameter identification (PI) is an automatic model calibration technique with which the unknown physical parameters in a mathematical model are determined from a constrained optimization...

Reliability Analysis of Urban Water Supply
The high economic and environmental costs of large water supply projects are forcing engineers to consider not only alternative means of increasing system reliability, such as interconnections,...

Application of Phosphorus Models to New Mexico Reservoirs
Many empirical, mass-balance phosphorus models have been developed and tested on northern, temperature lakes and previously published. Fourteen of those published models were tested on...

Use of a Two-Dimensional Flow Model to Quantify Aquatic Habitat
This paper describes the use of a numerical two-dimensional flow model to evaluate the impacts of potential hydropower retrofits on downstream flow distributions at Lock and Dam No. 8...

Optimal Muskingum River Routing
The Muskingum method of river routing is well established and frequently used. An attempt is made to improve the method by optimal selection of the model parameters. The common linear...

Ground-Water Flow Model of Soda-Ash Waste Beds
A recent application by a steel manufacturing plant to obtain a permit for an industrial landfill located on top of abandoned soda-ash waste beds in the City of Syracuse, New York, resulted...

Simultaneous Withdrawal of Saline/Fresh Waters in a Stratified Aquifer
The objective of this study is to develop computational tools for simulating the flow behavior of an aquifer in response to simultaneous pumping of two stratified fluids from both sides...

The National Water Well Association's Ground Water Software Centre
The National Water Well Association (NWWA) offers a new service to the members of the ground water industry. NWWA's Ground Water Software Centre markets computer programs...

Microcomputer Application in Predicting Upland Erosion
An erosion-deposition model, originally developed for a mainframe computer, was adapted for an Apple IIe. With minimal adjustment it can also be used on other personal microcomputers....

The SRI Technique for Flood Frequency Analysis
This paper presents a technique for flood flow frequency analysis called the Storm Response Index (SRI), and a case study using the technique. The SRI method is based on the development...

Conjunctive Use/Sustained Groundwater Yield Design
Assuring the sustained availability of groundwater from all parts of an aquifer system is analagous to assuring that the potentiometric surface does not change over the long term. Such...

Regional Target Level Modification for Groundwater Quality
A procedure for modifying an optimal regional potentiometric surface designed solely on the basis of quantitative considerations, is described. These modifications are based on quality...





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