Dredging in a Stratified Estuary
Grays Harbor is a moderately stratified estuary on the Washington coast. During the summer of 1983, while hopper dredges worked the upper reaches of the estuary, extensive water quality...

Sediment Resuspension Due to Dredging and Storms: An Analogous Pair
The physics of resuspension is represented by the response of the sediment to an applied stress, either dredging operations or storm winds. In either case, once the sediments are mixed...

Settling of Dredged Material Slurries
Most environmental engineers, accustomed to dealing with clarification of suspensions containing approximately 150 mg/1, find it difficult to comprehend dredged material slurries, in which...

A Comparison of Seven Lake Dredging Projects
Over the past decade, dredging has been increasingly recognized as one method for restoring some of the country's numerous eutrophic lakes. While certainly not appropriate...

The Experience of the St. Paul District Corps of Engineers, with State Coordination of Dredging Activities
The St. Paul District annually dredges about 1 million cubic yards of predominately clean sandy river sediments. Most of this volume comes from our maintenance of 284 miles of the 9-foot...

Dredge Cutterhead Flow Processes
Feasibility studies of new dredge intake and cutterhead shielding techniques were conducted to improve hydraulic cutterhead dredge performance. Simple modification of the suction mouth...

Practicality of Advance Maintenance: Savannah Harbor
Advance maintenance of navigation channels can involve deepening, widening, side slope dredging, or a combination of these. Because advance maintenance in Savannah Harbor has only involved...

Fundamentals of Capping Contaminated Dredged Material
Contaminated dredged material disposed in subaqueous sites may be chemically and biologically isolated by covering or capping with a layer of clean material. The capping concept is simple;...

Confined Disposal Area for Port Hueneme Harbor, Calif.
The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District, is responsible for maintenance of harbors along the Coast of California from Morro Bay Harbor to San Diego Harbor. As part of this...

Alternative Upland Disposal Techniques for Dredged Material in Urban Areas
The project involves the dredging and disposal of 750,000 cubic yards of soft organic silts from a 32 mile long manmade Canal that tranverses through Central New Jersey and is known as...

Dispersal of Wastewater in the Ocean--A Cascade of Processes at Increasing Scales
An engineering system for marine waste disposal is described. Design decisions are based on broad categories of input information: the complete description of the waste to be discharged;...

Modeling of Estuarial Hydrodynamics and Water Quality
The estuary is perhaps the most complex environmental system with which the analyst must deal. Driven largely by tides and hydrologic fluxes, its hydromechanical behavior is further modified...

Influence of Roughness on Velocity and Dispersion at Low Flow
Dependence of the hydraulic and transport characteristics of low flow on channel roughness is investigated. Empirical expressions are used to estimate roughness coefficient as a function...

Buoyant Jet Solution with Synthetic Entrainment Function
A synthetic entrainment function is proposed for buoyant jets discharged at an arbitrary angle into otherwise quiescent ambient fluids. The entrainment function consists of two separate...

Steady-Site Dispersion of Pollutants in Rivers Near Sewage or Drainage Outfalls
A theoretical model is developed for determination of concentration distribution of pollutants in a river. Pollution is caused by the disposal followed by dispersion of sewage or drainage...

Effects of High Sediment Concentrations on Velocity and Sediment Distributions
Several classifications are required to describe sediment-transporting flow. The flow may be turbulent or laminar, Newtonian or non-Newtonian, and may also have a uniform or nonuniform...

Movement of Tractive Sediment from Disturbed Lands
The Smoky Creek basin of the coal area of northeastern Tennessee shows extensive evidence of tractive movement of coarse sediment from mined tributary basins into the main channel. Coal-rich...

Development of Response Plans for Toxic Spills
A plan is proposed for managing the response to a toxic spill into a river system and the minimization of its effects on water utilities, industry and the environment. As technical aids...

Modeling Effects of Toxicants on Aquatic Systems
Potential effects of chemicals on biomass production in aquatic systems are extrapolated from laboratory toxicological assays. The extrapolation requires that the effect of acute toxicity...

Cost-Effective Water Quality Management and Risks
Environmental regulations typically specify applicable streamflow conditions for compliance with water quality standards. The level of streamflow specified is one of the most significant...





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