Reef Runway is First in Airport Design
The Reef Runway Project of Honolulu International Airport constructed on a coral reef, provides approximately 765 acres of new land for the 12,000-ft-long runway with its associated taxiways...

Water Industry Fighting EPA's Drinking Water Regulations
With few exceptions, most of the nation's drinking-water utilities are strongly opposed to many provisions of EPA's proposed regulations for reducing the levels...

Chicago Sanitary District Pioneers in Controlling Flooding, Water Pollution
Chicago's Metropolitan Sanitary District is a national leader in at least four areas: (1)Controlling overflows of combined sewers. Chicago's answer to this problem...

Direct Filtration�� Past, Present, Future
The Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974 for the first time established national drinking water standards on turbidity and other drinking water characteristics. Up until that time, the accepted...

Citizen Participation for Successful Village Water Supply
In developing nations, two keys to the success of village water supply projects are citizen planning and the use of the appropriate technology. The two are related. Involvement of citizens...

Sanitary Sewers for Developing Countries
To combat disease, we try to ensure water supply purity. Water is only one of many methods of disease transmission, however, and its purity does not alone eliminate the spread of disease....

Treating Waste Streams: New Challenge to the Water-Treatment Industry
Increasingly, state and federal water pollution control agencies have been becoming more strict about pollution from drinking water treatment plants. Specifically, most water treatment...

Dredge-and-Fill Saves $2 Million at Steel Mill Built in Swamp
The Georgetown Texas Steel Corp., in late 1973, accepted the challenge of developing a previously cleared cypress swamp on the east side of the Neches River across from Beaumont, Texas....

Reservoir Outlet Extended Above Silt to Prevent Clogging
Accumulation of silt in an on-stream water storage reservoir almost completely buried the concrete tower originally provided as an outlet intake shaft for releasing stored water through...

Corps Developing Wildlife Habitat to Solve Disposal Problems
The large volume of sediments dredged each year by the Corps of Engineers from navigable waterways can be considered a resource instead of a waste product, and used as a substrate for...

Weather Modification Could Solve Some Water Resource Problems
On July 12, 1978 the Weather Modification Advisory Board submitted its final report to the Secretary of Commerce. The report proposes a national program for weather resources management,...

Subway Designs and Construction Methods That Cut Costs
The high cost of subway construction in the United States can be reduced by adopting station and track structure configurations, structural systems, and construction techniques best suited...

Subway Structures Good, Other Elements Need Rehab
Capital spending priorities of New York City's Transit Authority have shifted, as it postponed indefinitely the construction of all but one new line�the line from 63rd St....

NYC's Plan to Meet the Water Quality Challenge
Most parts of New York City's waterways do not meet state standards. Combined sewer overflows cause the discharge of raw sewage. The City's ancient sewer system...

Proceedings Volume I
Polyphase Flow Transients Pressure Recovery Devices Intake Structures Cooling Water Systems
The papers presented in these proceedings represent a variety of disciplines from many countries. This unique jointing of three major societies has created a collection of papers with...

Dynamic Planning for Environmental Quality in the 1980's
Proceedings of the Urban Planning and Development Division Specialty Conference, held at the Sheraton Anaheim Hotel, Anaheim, California, July 25-27, 1977. Sponsored by the Urban Planning...

Soil Improvement
History, Capabilities, and Outlook
This report is intended to help engineers meet the need for practical, efficient, economical, and environmentally acceptable means for improving unsuitable soils and sites, for expanded...

Management of Engineering of Control Systems for Water Pipelines
This report should be considered as an aide to the practicing engineer as a check list of items to be considered in the management of the engineering of control systems for water pipelines...

National Conference on Environmental Engineering
Research Development and Design
Proceedings of the Environmental Engineering Division Specialty Conference held in Radisson Muehlebach Hotel, Kansas City, Missouri, July 10-12, 1978. Sponsored by the Environmental Engineering...

Peaking Power from Stored Air
Pumped storage has been recognized as a means of supplying additional electric power generation capacity during peak load periods for quite a while. However, such facilities are traditionally...





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