Will EPA Relax Its Mandatory Secondary Treatment Requirement�
In the Clean Water Act of 1977, Congress said that under some circumstances communities discharging to marine waters might not have to provide full secondary treatment. At the present...

Water Management Improves with Systems Application
The Marsh Run watershed project (in north-central Ohio) is a landmark example of applying systems principles to water resource management. Designed in the 1950's and completed...

Best Ways to Dewater Dredged Material
Left to its own devices, fine-grained dredged material placed in confined disposal areas reaches an equilibrium water content near its Atterberg liquid limit. The high water content of...

Toxic Chemicals in New Jersey's Environment: Cancer Link�
New Jersey has one of the highest cancer rates in the United States. It is also second in manufacture of chemicals. How are toxic chemicals getting into the New Jersey environment�� its...

EPA Goes to BAT Against Toxic Industrial Wastewater
Industrial wastewater discharged into municipal sanitary sewers can pass untreated through the treatment plant and into the receiving water. Some industrial wastes can also harm biological...

New Use for Filter Fabric: Highway Construction
A growing area of filter fabric use is road construction, both secondary and superhighway. The article focuses on one case history in Cambridge, Maryland where, after a one-year test,...

Energy Research Needs and the Civil Engineer
In June 1979 a National Science Foundation�ASCE workshop was convened to prepare a report suggesting top-priority research needs in civil engineering for the 1980s. The field was split...

Slow Trend for Asphalt with H2O
Cutback asphalt, made fluid by heating and by adding petroleum solvents, is becoming less popular because of the energy crisis and air pollution control standards. Replacing cutbacks are...

Do Federal Grants Distort a City's Capital Investment Priorities�
The availability of federal grants in some areas and no grants in others sometimes leads to absurd distortions in a city's true capital investment needs. Under construction...

A Cheap Solution to Pollution from Combined-Sewer Overflows
Every time it rains, the surface waters of many of the older communities around the U.S. are polluted by a mixture of sanitary waste and stormwater. The problem: when the community sewers...

Reducing Sewer Infiltration/Inflow
Under the terms of the EPA Water Pollution Control Legislation, cities must eliminate excess infiltration/inflow to be eligible for 75% EPA sewerage construction grants. To determine the...

Hydraulic Destratification
(Asbtract only)...

Irrigation and Drainage in the Nineteen-Eighties
Proceedings of the 1979 Irrigation and Drainage Division Specialty Conference held in Albuquerque, New Mexico, July 17-20, 1979. Sponsored by the Irrigation and Drainage Division of the...

Symposium on Reaeration Research
Proceedings of the Hydraulics Division Specialty Conference, held in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, October 28-30, 1975. Sponsored by the Hydraulics Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers....

Water Systems '79
Proceedings of the ASCE Water Resources Planning and Management Division Specialty Conference, held in the University of Houston Hilton Hotel Center, February 25-8, 1979. Sponsored by...

Appropriate Technology in Water Supply and Waste Disposal
Proceedings of a session held at the ASCE National Convention in Chicago, Illinois, October 16-20, 1978. Sponsored by the Research Council on Environmental Impact Analysis of the ASCE...

Legal, Institutional, and Social Aspects of Irrigation and Drainage and Water Resources Planning and Management
Proceedings of the ASCE Irrigation and Drainage Division and ASCE Water Resources Planning and Management Division Specialty Conference held at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State...

Environmental Engineering
The topics covered are: Wastewater reclamation in the western United States; Appropriate technology for the disposal of wastewater in rural areas; Management and reclamation of solid wastes;...

First Annual National Conference on Recreation Planning and Development
Recreation planning and development is a multi-disciplined field involving engineers, planners, landscape architects, structural architects and other specialists active or interested in...

Irrigation and Drainage
Proceedings of the Irrigation and Drainage Division Specialty Conference held in Albuquerque, New Mexico, July 17-20, 1979. Sponsored by the Irrigation and Drainage Division of the American...





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