The Sinking of the Amsterdam Metro
Subway construction was not practical in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, until this new placement technique. Most of the buildings in Amsterdam rest on old, untreated wooden piles that would...

Reinforced Earth: A New Alternative for Earth Retention Structures
Using a variety of projects as examples, the authors demonstrate the versatility of the patented Reinforced EarthTM...

Practical Proposal for Restoring Manhattan's West Side Highway
New York City's West Side Highway is an elevated roadway running along the west edge of Manhattan, adjacent to the once booming piers along the Hudson River. When opened in...

Bailey's Crossroads: A/E Liability Test
In March 1973, a 24-story reinforced concrete building under construction at Bailey's Crossroads, Va., partially collapsed causing a total collapse of an adjoining parking...

Landmarks in Reinforced Concrete
To properly understand the significance of ASCE'S National Historic Civil Engineering Landmarks the instrumental steps in engineering history leading up to the landmarks period...

Proven Organic Coatings for Long Term Protection
Recent advances in coatings materials and their application make possible improved protection of structures in normal or agressive environments. Shopcoating and field application are compared....

The Darwin Cyclone�� Valuable Lesson in Structural Design
Eighty percent of Darwin, Australia's residential buildings were severly damaged in the wake of cyclone Tracy in the early hours of December 25, 1974. Overall damage was caused...

Design and Construction of Steel Chimney Liners
This is believed to be the first book to be compiled and published on this subject, even though the steel liner is now the most widely used in fossil-fueled electric generating stations...

Open Cut Construction
Temporary Earth Retaining Structures

Selected Papers By Nathan M. Newmark
Civil Engineering Classics
This publication attempts to include papers that are representative of Nathan M. Newmark's many outstanding contributions to civil engineering and to include his most heavily...

Field Test Sections, Save Cost in Tunnel Support
This report is intended to stimulate improvements in underground works and their adoption by industry. It covers a broad range of topics, including promising concepts for tunnel support,...

Wood Structures
A Design Guide and Commentary
This book, Wood Structures: A Design Guide and Commentary, is intended to present significant research and development findings as related...

Modeling Techniques
Proceedings of the Symposium on Modeling Techniques held in San Francisco, California, September 3-5, 1975. Sponsored by the Waterways, Harbors, and Coastal Engineering Division of ASCE....

A Comparative Study of Structural Response to Explosion-Induced Ground Motions
The report provides detailed information about the responses of actual structures to loads, both static and dynamics, which can be expected to occur during their service life. The characteristics...

Analysis and Design in Geotechnical Engineering
Proceedings of the Conference on Analysis and Design in Geotechnical Engineering held at the University of Texas, Austin, Texas, June 9-12, 1974. Sponsored by the University of Texas College...

Lessons from Dam Incidents, USA
This report is primarily concerned with failures, accidents, damage during construction, and major repairs relating to dams in the USA. The purpose of this report is to present available...

Preprints of Conference Proceedings of ASCE National Structural Engineering Convention, New Orleans, LA, 1975
The preprints were provided for the purpose of convenient distribution of information at the convention. Both author and subject indexes are provided in the beginning of volume 2408-2457....

Accommodation of Utility Plant Within the Rights-of-Way of Urban Streets and Highways
Manual of Improved Practice
The American Public Works Association and the American Society of Civil Engineers have attempted through this manual, Accommodation of Utility Plant within the Rights-of-Way...

Structural Design of Nuclear Plant Facilities 1973
Proceedings of the Specialty Conference on Structural Design of Nuclear Facilities, held in Chicago, Illinois, December 17-18, 1973. Sponsored by the Nuclear Structures and Materials Committee...

A Study of Damage to a Residential Structure from Blast Vibrations
A primary objective of this test project was to study, under carefully controlled conditions, the effects of earthborn blast vibrations upon a residential structure. Another objective...





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