Map Uses, Scales and Accuracies for Engineering and Associated Purposes
This publication is designed to aid engineers and others in obtaining maps suitable for use in engineering and associated work. Such maps must have the proper contour interval, map scale,...

The Incidence, Monitoring, and Treatment of Viruses in Water Supply Systems
A State-of-the Art Review
Two areas of growing concern in water treatment and public health are the potential for spread of viruses by water routes and the adequacy of current treatment and disinfection practices...

Accomplishments and Impacts of Reservoirs
Water resources have been developed by dams and diversion structures and utilized to meet the needs of civilization since ancient times. Today, water resources developments including multiple...

In Search of Ancient Engineers
Many examples of pre-Columbian civil works have been uncovered in North and South America. Some reflect well-organized technologies comparable to those of the Old World of the same time...

Upgrading Water Filtration Plants
Adding or improving mixing, flocculation, and sedimentation devices, and changing filter media can significantly increase water filtration plant capacity. Water quality can often be improved...

In Third World Villages, a Simple Handpump Saves Lives
Millions die each year and many more suffer in the developing countries from diseases spread by contaminated water. In fact, it is estimated that 80% of all disease in the world is due...

Pier Stabilization Eliminates Need to Reconstruct Damaged Bridge
After an ice jam near a six-span bridge restricted normal water passage, the ensueing high velocity water caused underscouring of one of the piers, leaving it ineffective as a bridge support....

Lining Tunnels: Toughest Concreting Job?
Concrete linings for water supply tunnels must resist sulphate and other chemical attack, not contribute pollutants to the water it is carrying, and not leak for its design life, which...

The Peril and Opportunity in the Water States
Water demand for agriculture, energy and public use in rapidly growing areas is raising questions about uncertain economic ramifications and international complexities of rights to water...

Urban Hydrology Progress Since 1979 in Australia
This report highlights urban hydrological activity in Australia in the period 1979-1983, since the earlier reports by Aitken (1976) and Aitken and Laurenson (1979). The high level of interest...

Progress Since 1979 in Canada
The report that follows describes the Canadian progress in urban hydrology research and in applications of research findings during the period from 1979 to 1983. The main topics include...

Urban Hydrology and Catchment Research in the United Kingdom - Progress Since 1979
The Wallingford Procedure for the design and analysis of urban drainage systems was released in late 1981 for use by drainage engineers in the United Kingdom. This was the most significant...

Progress in Urban Hydrology in the Federal Republic of Germany since 1979
The importance of urban water problems have been increasingly realized in the 70's also in the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG). State authorities, communities, universities,...

Progress Since 1979 in Sweden
During the past 20 years hard effort has been devoted to the protection of rivers and lakes from pollution. This effort has mainly been focused on the obvious sources of pollution i. e....

Progress Since 1979 in Norway
Following the completion of the major research program 'Purification of Wastewater' in 1978, the organized research activities in urban hydrology almost came...

Progress Since 1979 in the Netherlands
Since the last progress-report still more emphasis has been laid on quality aspects of surface waters. Municipalities as well as Provinces and the national government are responsible for...

Urban Runoff Research in Poland - Progress Since 1979
Research concerning urban hydrology in the scope necessary for drainage and urban runoff is financed in Poland within the framework of the Government Research Program Development and utilization...

Prgoress Since 1979 in India
Since India is a developing nation urban flood control benefits which are 'negative goods' have a low priority. Recently there is an increased awareness in India...

State of Art in Urban Hydrology in Switzerland
The research in urban hydrology in Switzerland does not result from a national organized and planned will, to solve hydrological problems (quantity and quality) due to urbanization. In...

Current Status of Urban Hydrology in Finland
Due to a smaller scale of urban problems on Finland, active research work on urban hydrology began as late as in the mid-1970's. The major urban hydrology and related studies...





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