Cost-Effective Design for Urban Lakes Dredging
The design of a dredging project for an urban lake is usually more complex than for lakes in rural areas. Three areas are special problems particular to the urban lake: chemical quality...

Mississippi River Fairview Crossing Test
To improve estimates of shoaling rates in the crossings of a deep draft channel from New Orleans to Baton Rouge, a prototype test was conducted in Fairview Crossing at Mile 116 above Head...

Tampa Harbor Florida Deepening Project
Tampa Harbor is one of the largest dredging projects ever undertaken by the Corps of Engineers. The major features of the deepening project which presented the greatest problems were the...

Deep River Study - Lower Mississippi River
The current local/federal stalemate over project funding for major dredging projects has deterred U. S. ports in benefiting from the economies inherent in the use of deep-draft ships....

Development of an Estuary-Wide Mitigation Strategy for Future
The Tampa Port Authority has been active in the regional bay study committee which identified two priority needs which relate very directly to the port's long-term development...

Fabric-Reinforced Dikes, Craney Island
Three fabric-reinforced test sections 300-, 400-, and 750-ft long were successfully constructed on very soft dredged material deposits within the Craney Island dredged material disposal...

Management Strategy for Disposal of Dredged Material
The diversity of disposal alternatives and techniques for management of contaminated dredged material requires the development of an overall management strategy for disposal. The selection...

The National Dredging Data Management System
The ADDAMS computer program is a collection of user-friendly computer models for planning, designing and managing confined disposal areas. Models which can be used to determine the size...

Water Quality Management Techniques for Reservoirs
The curtailment of nutrient, organic matter, and sediment loads to reservoirs is a direct means for improving water quality. However, the recycling of nutrients and/or the failure to sufficiently...

Management of Dredged Material Disposal Areas
Procedures and techniques that have been used successfully in Charleston, S. C. for planning management of disposal areas are outlined and explained. The following are some of the issues...

Environmental Management Problems of Dredged Material Islands in the Tampa Bay Area
Between 1977 and 1982, four new islands were created in Hillsborough Bay as part of the Tampa Harbor Deepening Project. The islands are now 3-7 years old. They exhibit striking differences...

Linear Programs for Dredging Management Decisions
Recurrent economic concerns facing decision makers in the dredging industry are considered. Problems related to contract bidding, project planning and resource utilization are formulated...

Construction of Monroe Harbor Confined Disposal Facility
Management of the construction of a 40 million project, a confined disposal facility for dredge spoil, within a small multipurpose recreation facility presents unique challenges to intergovernmental...

Use of Scientific Data for Management of Dredged Material Disposal in New England
Management of dredge material disposal in New England is closely attuned to regulatory mandates and is significantly supported by scientific findings and contributions of the Disposal...

Dredged Material for Backbarrier Salt Marshes
Gulf Coast barrier islands, especially those fronting the Mississippi River Delta, are eroding at a rapid rate. Natural subsidence caused by consolidation of Recent deltaic deposits and...

Dredging as a Remedial Method for a Superfund Site
Remedial action at the Commencement Bay Nearshore/Tideflats Superfund Site, in the State of Washington, is expected to include dredging and disposal of contaminated sediments located in...

Impact and Mitigation: LA/LB Landfill Plan
Mitigation planning in U. S. ports has primarily been on a project by project basis, an approach that is costly and ineffective. This paper reports on a biological impact assessment and...

Fish and Wildlife Mitigation and Port Development
The legislative and regulatory framework within which mitigation requirements apply to port developments is discussed by providing a brief background on the legislation, regulations, and...

Fundamentals of Agitation Dredging
The definition and basic principles of agitation dredging are discussed. Equipment for agitation dredging is categorized. The principles of operation, advantages, and disadvantages of...

Soil Analysis and Dredging
Analysis of soils before dredging can make or break a dredging project. It is seldom possible to obtain all of the information needed for selecting equipment and estimate outputs. The...





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