Instrumented Buoy Network Response to Ocean Swell
The National Data Buoy Center has an extensive network of more than 20 moored buoys along the west coast of North America And in the Eastern North Pacific Ocean. The network ranges from...

Directional Wave Data ? Measurements and Modeling Coast of Florida Erosion and Storm Effects Study
The U.S. Army of Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District, and the Florida Department of Enviromental Protection are co-sponsors of a study to evaluate the coastal processes along the...

New Technology in Coastal Wave Monitoring
The Coastal Data Informational Program (CDIP) is an extensive network for monitoring waves along the Pacific coastlines of the US. The system has evolved substantially since its inception...

NDBC Wave Data?Current and Planned
The National Data Buoy Center (NDBC) of the National Weather Service (NWS), operates a large number of buoy and fixed-platform environmental data reporting stations in geographical areas...

Implementing a National Wave Monitoring Network?Some Lessons and Plans
Most environmental problems involve a chemical and/or biological component and a physical processes component. A holistic approach must consider both components and the way they interact....

Coastal Engineering Data Retrieval System (CEDRS)
The Coastal Engineering Data Retrieval System (CEDRS) is a menu driven microcomputer resident database which provides both hindcast and measured wind and wave data for use in the field...

Wave Monitoring in The Southern California Bight
An overview of recent research by the Coastal Information Program (CDIP), aimed at effectively monitoring wave conditions in the Southern California Bight, is presented. The topographic...

The Development of a Wave Data Analysis Standard for a National Wave Measurement Program
The Field Wave Gaging Program (FWGP) at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Coastal Engineering Research Center (CERC) collects and analyzes wave data from around the U.S. coastline to contribute...

An Offshore Island Wave Sheltering Model
The wave climate along Southern California Coastal area is greatly modified by the existing systems of natural islands shown. As deep water wave approach the nearshore area, they generally...

Getting the Project Started
In 1987, the newly formed Washington Metropolitan Airports Authority began a long term Capital Development Program which will change how both Washington National and Dulles International...

The Future of the Past: Historic Preservation at the Metropolitan Washington Airports
The historic significance and unique architectural character of Washington National and Washington Dulles International Airports have presented the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority...

Airport Terminal Design Challenges
In February 1989, the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority began the process of designing and constructing a new terminal at Washington National Airport to address the needs of its...

Dulles International Airport Construction Challenges
The expansion of the Main Terminal at Dulles International Airport was anticipated and planned for during the original construction of the building in 1962. The most difficult portions...

Recycling Portland Cement Concrete Pavement at the Contractor's Option
This paper summarizes three portland cement concrete airfield pavement recycling projects at the Outagamie County Airport in Appleton, Wisconsin. The specifications for the projects did...

Nighttime Cement Concrete Pavement Replacement Seattle-Tacoma International Airport
Several airfield improvement projects are currently underway at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (Sea-Tac), many of which are being constructed using cement concrete pavement. Due...

California Airports: Ground Access Vehicle Trips, Emissions and Emission Reduction Strategies
The following paper discusses the volume of trips and emissions associated with ground access vehicles to an d from California airports, and potential ways to reduce these emissions. this...

Optimal Supply of Parking at Airports
The design capacity of parking facilities at airports is generally estimated in relation to one or more standard decision variable such as enplaning passengers, number of employees, and...

Optimization of Reservoir Releases to Control River Sedimentation Using Differential Dynamic Programming
A new methodology is developed to address sedimentation control in alluvial rivers downstream of reservoirs. An optimization model is posed as a discrete-time optimal control problem to...

Application and Benefits of Aquifer Recharge in Santa Fe, New Mexico
The Sangre de Cristo Water Company (SDCW) operates a water supply and treatment system that serves the City of Santa Fe, New Mexico, Water is supplied to the system by the City Well Field,...

The Effect the Central Utah Project Will Have On Water Conservation in Utah
On October 30, 1992, the U.S. Congress passed the Reclamation Projects Authorization and Adjustments Act of 1992 (Public Law 102-575.) This law included the Central Utah Completion Act...





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