Site Selection Criteria for Constructing an Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) at a Commercial Nuclear Power Plant
Commercial nuclear power plants in the U.S. are responsible for providing their own interim storage for excess spent fuel. A facility located onsite, acting as a buffer between in-pool...

Choosing AT-Reactor Spent Fuel Storage Technologies
Need for expansion of the spent fuel storage capability of reactor sites was first caused by delays in construction of reprocessing facilities, later by cessation of commercial reprocessing...

Concrete Cask Storage Technology
The paper presents the design and operation of the new dry storage system for nuclear waste. The system was designed by complete nuclear, thermal-hydraulic and structural analysis to the...

Vapor Hydration and Subsequent Leaching of Transuranic-Containing SRL and WV Glasses
High-level nuclear waste glass that is subject to disposal in the proposed unsaturated environment at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, initially will be altered through contact with humid air....

Soluble High-Level Waste Decontamination and Disposal at the Savannah River Site
The high-level radioactive waste that has accumulated at the Savannah River Site is stored in large underground steel tanks. Programs to remove the soluble waste from the storage tanks,...

Volatilization of Cesium and Ruthenium From High-Level Waste Glass
The contamination of the air above high-level waste glass by 134Cs, 137Cs and 106Ru...

The DWPF Product, and Its Qualification Program
The Defense Waste Processing Facility (DWPF) at the Savannah River Site (SRS) will be the first facility in the nation capable of immobilizing high-level nuclear waste. Production of DWPF...

Important Factors in Developing a Nuclear Waste Management System
The nuclear waste management system provides unique challenges for a large and diverse segment of our society. For the politician there is the blending of national policy and the interests...

Hydrologic Characterization of Faults and Other Potentially Conductive Geologic Features in the Unsaturated Zone
The capability of characterizing near-vertical faults and other potentially highly conductive geologic features in the vicinity of a high-level-waste repository is of great importance...

Study of an Alternativefor Repository of Radioactive Waste?Taiwan Case
The accumlation of spent fuel and radioactive waste is forcing producers to look for repository systems in Taiwan. Tectonic setting, and geologic processes indicate that the Penghu Islands...

Modeling Future Climates for Nuclear Waste Disposal
In order to ensure safe long term storage of nuclear waste it is necessary to consider possible consequences of future climate change. A program of long term climate scenario development...

Prediction of Long-Term Behavior of Waste Package Materials in a Geologic Repository
An ASTM Standard Practice is under development as a national consensus standard on how to make and validate predictions of the long-term behavior of waste package materials in a deep geologic...

Opportunities for the Nuclear Waste Negotiator
The Nuclear Waste Negotiator (the Negotiator) has the potential to have a significant positive impact on the United States High-level Radioactive Waste Management program perhaps more...

Institutional Status, Challenges, and Plans Related to the MRS Program
This paper analyzes the role of institutional considerations in the Monitored Retrievable Storage (MRS) program. Among the issues that will be discussed are: the present focus of the MRS...

A Literature-Based Preliminary Characterization of Risks in the Nuclear Waste Management System
The objectives of this study were to 1) review the literature containing information on risks in the nuclear waste management system and 2) use this information to develop preliminary...

Evaluating and Controlling the Characteristics of the Nuclear Waste in the FWMS Using Waste Stream Analysis Model
The Waste Stream Analysis (WSA) Model is used by the Department of Energy to model the time and location dependent properties of the nuclear waste stream in the Federal Waste Managements...

Incorporation of Reprocessing Raffinates and High Level Solids in Cement
Reprocessing highly enriched uranium fuel from UKAEA Materials Testing Reactors produces highly active aqueous raffinate. This is currently stored. The UK strategy is for raffinate immobilisation,...

Preliminary Conceptual Design Description of the Proposed DOE Store-Only Monitored Retrievable Storage (MRS) Facility
The Nuclear Waste Policy Act (NWPA) of 1982 required DOE to examine the options for the provision of long term spent fuel storage in monitored retrievable storage (MRS) facilities. Specifically,...

Fabrication and Closure Development of Nuclear Waste Containers for Storage at the Yucca Mountain, Nevada Repository
U.S. Congress and the President have determined that the Yucca Mountain site in Nevada is to be characterized to determine its suitability for construction of the first U.S. high-level...

Ventilation and Construction Considerations for a High Level Nuclear Waste Repository
The storage of high level nuclear waste in an underground repository presents engineering problems in ventilation, construction methods and plan, and in proposed retrievability. Temperatures...





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