Gradation and Layer Thickness Effects on Riprap
Since riprap has become a costly and in some areas, scarce commodity, proper design maximizing the level of protection with a minimum rock size and layer thickness is an important goal....

Time Averaged Estuarine Mass Transport Equations
A methodology for deriving time averaged mass transport equations for estuaries having weakly nonlinear long wave dynamics is presented. A 2D in-plane advection-dispersion equation for...

Design of Overtopping Protection for Small Dams
Many existing small embankment dams in the United States cannot safely pass current design floods without overtopping. In the past several years, embankment overtopping protection has...

Advanced Concept for Generation of Waves in Hydraulic Models
This paper describes a new wavemaker for the generation of naturally occurring waves in physical models of coastal areas. Recent research incorporating directional aspects of monochromatic,...

Mechanics of Embankment Erosion During Overflow
Thousands of dams built in the United States have a potential to be overtopped by flood flows. It is necessary to understand the mechanics of embankment erosion in order to evaluate the...

Embankment Overtopping?Case Histories
Because many existing dams are subject to overtopping, there is a need to understand embankment behavior during an overtopping event. Understanding of this behavior will allow evaluation...

Predicting and Minimizing Embankment Damage Due to Flood Overtopping
Under a contract with the Federal Highway Administration and Bureau of Reclamation, Simons, Li & Associates, Inc. (SLA) is conducting an overtopping damage study to evaluate various...

Limitations of Saint Venant Equations to Model Flood Waves
The subject of this paper is in direct contrast to all previously known research efforts. Previous effort has focused on simplified forms of Saint Venant using approximate routing models...

River Wave Response to the Friction-Inertia Balance
The changing character of the solution of the Saint-Venant equations for river flow problems with the dimensionless parameter F//I reflects a changing balance between friction and inertia....

Infiltration as a Dependent Variable in Modeling Furrow Irrigation
Most surface irrigation models assume that infiltration is independent of surface flow hydraulics. However, wetted perimeter has been shown to significantly affect infiltration in furrows....

A Linked Stream-Aquifer System Model
A linked stream-aquifer system (LISAS) model is described. This model includes a deterministic sequential flow simulation component which generates hydrographs of surface runoff and deep...

Kinematic, Diffusion and Dynamic Catchment Modeling
This paper reports on a series of tests aimed at developing improved procedures for catchment routing. The objective is to compare kinematic and diffusion models within several scenarios...

A Flood Prediction Geographic Information System
The paper discusses a GIS that derives kinematic wave model parameters using stream network, elevation, and basin boundary data. Various approaches are being investigated for estimating...

Safety Design Flood for Too Wide Creek Dam
This paper presents an example application of the procedure developed by the ASCE Task Committee on Spillway Design Floods for a dam on the Too Wide Creek. The example was developed from...

Time of Concentration in Small Rural Watersheds
A comparison was performed between the exponents of the independent variables L, S and i of the four-parameter time of concentration equation and eleven frequently encountered equations....

Dynamic Response of Massive Block to Transient Rayleigh Waves
The study explores the dynamic behavior of a rigid massive block placed on a homogeneous elastic half-space soil medium and subjected to transient Rayleigh waves. The treatment of the...

Fault Identification by Seismic Impact Load Techniques
The propagation of seismic waves generated by impact loading across a normal fault in carbonate rock was investigated by the seismic refraction technique. The field records were reduced,...

Simulation Algorithms for Offshore Structures
A rational procedure for characterization of water depths for a random sea state is developed, in context with linearized wave theory. The importance of using the expressions for 'intermediate...

Coastal Hydrodynamics
This book includes papers presented at the ASCE Specialty Conference on Coastal Hydrodynamics Conference, at the University of Delaware, June 28-July 1, 1987. The papers review the state...

Harbor Revived
In Racine, Wis., officials' plans to turn a defunct commercial harbor into a recreational boaters' paradise have signaled an economic turn-around for a depressed...





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