Preliminary Studies of Pressure Flow Scour
Bridges that become inundated during floods have slightly pressurized flow that impacts bridge piers and creates an aggravated scour condition. Results of two preliminary laboratory studies...

Video Analysis of Gravel Saltation
Experimental results concerning saltation characteristics of gravel particles in a movable bed channel are analyzed by using video imaging techniques. Ensemble averaged values of saltation...

Pressure Relief Under Hydraulic Jump Stilling Basins
Gravity drainage cannot be used for any portion of a structure located below tailwater level. Yet, drainage of this area may be required to relieve sub-floor pressures and reduce the risk...

Drag Characteristics of Coarse Sediment in Clay Suspensions
Drag characteristics of spherical particles in clay suspensions, such as coarse sediment in hyperconcentrated flows, has been analyzed by using a limited data available in the literature....

Prediction of Filtrate Turbidity by Parameter Estimation
In order to operate the rapid sand filter in response to the time variation of effluent quality, a model and a procedure to predict the filtrate quality of rapid sand filters have been...

Friction Loss Equations for Hydropower Facilities
Many water suppliers are pursuing economic benefits from water supply and distribution systems through development of hydropower facilities on pipelines. Excessive pressure head that used...

Hydraulic Modeling of High Unit Discharge Energy Dissipators
The incorporation of an efficient and economical energy dissipation device is critical with respect to the safe operation of a high unit discharge spillway. The development and design...

Determination of Pulsating Pressures for Baldhill Dam, N.D. Spillway
Model tests of the existing Baldhill Spillway were conducted with symmetrical and asymmetrical gate openings to determine for various flow conditions the characteristics of the hydraulic...

Scour Inspection Using Ground Penetrating Radar
This paper examines the capabilities of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) for river bed scour inspection based on a study carried out by Clarkson University, Potsdam, New York in association...

Connection of Grouted Tubular Insert Piles to Soil
Force transfer between offshore production jackets and tubular piles is effected by weld bead shear connectors, acting within the grout filled annulus between the piles and pile sleeves...

The Pipe/Soil Stiffness Ratio Variable
This paper reviews the factors which affect the reactions and defines performance limitations of buried flexible plastic pipe as a function of load-induced strains and deflections. The...

Ovality in Pipe Rehabilitation Design
Pipes in need of structural rehabilitation often have longitudinal cracks (at the crown and elsewhere) and exhibit significant ovality (5-10%). When these pipes are lined with current...

Sliplining: Design and Installation Considerations for Polyethylene Pipe
The design methodology and installation procedure for polyethylene slipline renewal are discussed. When designing there are two critical phases which must be considered: (1) short-term...

Microtunneling with PVC Pipe
PVC is a suitable and economical product for sewer system construction. However, in the past, utilization of PVC sewer pipe in microtunneling was impossible due to axial thrust load limitations...

Townsite Lateral-Stage 2 Belle Fourche Unit - Cheyenne Division Concrete: Pipe with Dumped Bedding and Embedment
In 1933, M. G. Spangler presented three bedding configurations and the concept of a bedding factor to relate the supporting strength of buried concrete pipe to the strength obtained in...

Structural Design on Ductile Iron Pipe
The thickness class designation for Ductile Iron pipe has been changed to a pressure class designation in the 1991 revision of the C150/A21.50 ANSI standard. However, the same conservative...

Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Pressure Pipe Diagnosis
Prestressed and reinforced concrete steel cylinder pipes are used for transmission mains, water intake lines, sewers force mains. Many collapses caused by the steel cylinder attack were...

Selection and use of Pipeline Leak Detection Methods for Liability Management into the 21st Century
Pipeline leak detection systems have been in use for many years on all types of pipelines with various products being transported. Pipeline owners and operators are subject to stringent...

Analysis of Pavement-Pipeline Systems After Cut Restoration
The placement of utility pipes normally necessitates many cuts and fills of the existing pavements. Integrity of pipeline and compatible performance of cut restoration and original pavement...

Relocating a 54-Inch Diameter Force Main without Interrupting Wastewater Flow
The City of Tampa, Florida, was faced with the challenge of relocating three segments of an old 1372 mm (54-in.) diameter reinforced concrete pipe force main, totaling nearly a mile in...





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