Infiltration in Two Sand Dune Areas in Saudi Arabia
Field infiltration experiments at several locations in two sand dune areas in Saudi Arabia were conducted. Results of these field tests are compared with predictions of the Green and Ampt...

Hydrology of Wetland Treatment Systems in East Orange County, Florida
Wetlands are increasingly being used as final treatment systems for industrial and domestic wastewater effluent discharges and stormwater runoff discharges. Hydrological monitoring and...

Friction Factors in Coastal Flooding
As the world's coastal zones are being developed and the coastal population increases, coastal flooding, or rather the prediction of its extent and frequency of occurrence, becomes a more...

Non-Intrusive Crack Detection in Clay Landfill Cover Liners
Laboratory and field studies were conducted to demonstrate that the azimuthal variation in electrical resistivity can be used to indicate the presence of cracks in clay systems. Laboratory...

In Situ Bioremediation Via Horizontal Wells
The U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Technology Development, has been sponsoring full-scale environmental restoration technology demonstrations for the past 3 years. The Savannah River...

A Semi Passive Nutrient Injection System for In Situ Bioremediation
A permeable cutoff wall is installed across the path of a contaminant plume. The water in the wall can be amended with the desired nutrient solution using pumping and injecting wells within...

In-Situ Bioremediation Using a Recirculation Well
An existing model (Semprini and McCarty, 1991; 1992) of in-situ bioremediation using methanotrophic bacteria for degradation of volatile organic compounds was modified to simulate use...

Modelling Studies of Gas Venting and Steam Injection for NAPL Site Remediation
A fully coupled, fully implicit method for simulating gas injection and steam injection for in situ remediation of sites contaminated with volatile NAPL is presented. Numerical results...

Field-Scale Research at the TVA Columbus Groundwater Research Test Site
TVA has been conducting large-scale field experiments at their Columbus Groundwater Research test site at Columbus Air Force Base since 1983. This work has been performed in cooperation...

River Characteristics of the Blue Nile Watershed
A common difficulty in modeling hydrological systems is the lack of available field data to assess the model parameters. In some cases, it is physically very difficult and expensive to...

Nitrogen and Phosphate in Vadose Waters in Heber Valley
During the last decade best management practices have been gradually implemented in Heber Valley to maintain and enhance the qualities of surface waters that flow into Deer Creek Reservoir....

Sediment Entrapment by Stream Channel Vegetation
Degraded headwater streams are common in the mountainous West. They have experienced a variety of stresses from public and private uses and will require specific management consideration...

Development of Test Procedures for Unbalanced Head Operation of Slide Gates
This paper will discuss the steps taken by the Bureau of Reclamation to develop a standardized procedure for testing unbalanced head operation of high-pressure slide gates for outlet works...

The ASCE Neutron Probe Calibration Study: Overview
A workshop was held at Logan, Utah to gather field information on neutron probe calibration and operation. Several techniques and instruments were compared. This paper serves to establish...

Water Penetration Manual for California Soils
Slow water penetration in irrigated soils is a complex problem of major importance in California's $18 billion agricultural industry. The Kearney Foundation of Soil Science chose to work...

Well Response in a Leaky Aquifer and Computational Interpretation of Pumping Tests
An analytic solution is derived describing flow in a horizontal confined leaky aquifer of infinite extent around a fully penetrating well of negligible storage capacity. The differences...

Concentration History During Pumping from a Leaky Aquifer with Stratified Initial Concentration
Analytical and numerical solutions are employed to examine the concentration history of a dissolved substance in water pumped from a leaky aquifer. Many aquifer systems are characterized...

Sedimentation and Flood Protection for the Lower Yellow River
The Lower Yellow River is known for its disastrous floods in the past. After 4 decades without major floodings, rapid economic and population growths along the River have drew concerns...

Removal of Tidal Fluctuations from Pumping Test Data
A simple technique for removing tidal fluctuations from drawdown data was examined. This technique relied simply upon transforming measured surface water level data to fit the pretest...

Quality Control and Quality Assurance Plan for Bridge Channel-Stability Assessments in Massachusetts
A quality control and quality assurance plan has been implemented as part of the Massachusetts bridge scour and channel-stability assessment program. This program is being conducted by...





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