Complex Principal Component Analysis of Wave-Like Sand Motions
Complex Principal Component Analysis is applied to bathymetric data from the SUPERDUCK experiment at Duck, NC. This approach is shown to describe more of the variation with fewer functions...

Integrated Photogrammetric and Geophysical Monitoring of Shoreline Instability in Littoral Cells in the Pacific Northwest, USA
Several factors have recently focused on the attention of government agencies, academic researchers, and the general public on coastal erosion and beach resource management in the Pacific...

Transport of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Through a Clay Liner
A series of tests have been performed using laboratory-scale flexible wall permeameters. A synthetic organic leachate mixture of methylene chloride, toluene, and trichloroethylene (TCE)...

Hydraulic Analysis of the Impacts of I/I on System Capacity
The USEPA Stormwater Management Model was used to evaluate the impact of infiltration and inflow on the separate sewer facilities of one of the largest sewage treatment districts in the...

Pilot-scale Trickling Filter Nitrification at the Longmont WWTP
Nitrification rates in trickling filters can be affected by influent organic matter, filter length, and hydraulic loading rate. The effects of these parameters on nitrification rate were...

Constructed Wetlands at Mesquite, Nevada
Subsurface flow (SF) wetlands are used to provide effluent polishing following treatment in an aerated lagoon at Mesquite, Nevada. General SF wetland design methodology is discussed in...

Reliability-Based Estimates of Wetland Detention Times for Wastewater Treatment
Determination of the hydraulic residence or detention time is often the first step in design of wetlands constructed for wastewater treatment. Current methods for estimating wetland detention...

Inventory of Constructed Wetlands for Municipal Wastewater Treatment in the U.S.
The U.S. EPA's Risk Reduction Engineering Laboratory is conducting an inventory of constructed wetlands (CW) for municipal wastewater treatment in the U.S. The inventory is...

Permeability of Cement Grout Plugs in Basaltic Rocks
Flow tests have been conducted on expansive cement grout plugs with diameters of 160 mm and 200 mm, and length-to-diameter ratios of one, in boreholes in basalt blocks, and in steel pipes....

Feasibility of Adding Small Hydro to Federal Hydraulic Structures in the Upper Ohio River Basin
A national hydropower program exists in which non-Federal interests may develop power at Federal hydraulic structures which have that potential. This paper discusses associated considerations...

Hydraulic Model Studies for Non-Federal Projects at Federal Dams?A Case Study
This paper will discuss the hydraulic model studies for hydropower projects developed by Arkansas Electric Cooperative Corporation (a non-federal entity) at existing Corps of Engineers...

Overcoming the Obstacles?Hydroelectric Development on the Kankakee River
A number of difficulties were encountered and resolved during development of a 1,200 kW hydroelectric project in northeastern Illinois. Located at the site of an abandoned hydroelectric...

Development of a New Hydraulic Design Tool for Spiral Casing/Distributor Geometry
A novel computational model has been developed to predict highly complex turbulent flow in a combined spiral casing/distributor geometry. Validation of the computational model against...

Digital Governor Application ? Bradley Lake Project
The Bradley Lake Project has two impulse turbines rated at 60 MW each to provide power to the Railbelt region of Alaska. Solid state digital governors are utilized to respond to system...

Deflector Synchronizing and Governing
This paper is a survey of deflector control speed govern impulse turbines for synchronization to a grid, and for isolated operation. There are several advantages to deflector control versus...

Design Considerations for Radial Key Retrofit
A practise that is becoming more and more common is to retrofit hydro-electric generators with Radial Key Systems. There are significant design considerations that must be made to ensure...

An Alternative Approach to the Maximum Flood Concept
This paper outlines an alternative to the current approach for determining the maximum flood of river basins. The condition of the maximum flood is derived from the convolution integral...

Utilizing Wetlands for Stormwater Retention
The design steps an engineer uses to develop natural wetlands to provide flood control while continuing to retain their natural functions will be analyzed. This paper will include a discussion...

Bishop Intake #2 Spillway Modifications: A Case History
This paper covers the history of the events leading to the modification of Southern California Edison's (SCE) Bishop Intake 2 to pass a site specific design flood. From the...

The Replacement of Penstocks at TVA Ocoee II Power Plant
The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) replaced the steel penstocks at its Ocoee II power plant near Ocoee, Tennessee. A total replacement was necessary because of severe corrosion on the...





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