Selecting a Stormwater Service Level for Urban Control
Recently, more and more emphasis is being placed on the maintenance of pre- and post-development runoff peaks from a specified design storm. The limit on post-development flood peaks requires...

Flood Control, Water Conservation, and Urban Change
Los Angeles County has one of the largest, most complex and effective systems of flood control and water conservation facilities in the United States. It includes 14 major dams, 125 debris...

Analysis of Alluvial Fan Flooding
Alluvial fans are estimated to cover approximately one third of the land area in the southwestern United States. Because of their relatively gentle slopes and well draining characteristics,...

Storm Dynamics in the Lake Ontario Region
A program package, RAINPAK, was written to develop appropriate rainfall input, based on concepts of the physical processes behind the temporal and spatial distribution of storm rainfall...

A New Dam in California?Piece-of-Cake!
It initially appeared that a series of insurmountable roadblocks would prevent the City of Morro Bay from constructing a new dam and water supply reservoir on San Bernardo Creek near the...

Water Resources Strategy - Chicago
Starting in the 1960's, a series of water quality and water resources studies focused on the problems of the Chicago metropolitan area. Some of these studies were among the...

Taming a Pipe Network Analysis Computer Program
The use of a conventional network analysis computer program as an effective evaluation tool for routine operation of an existing water distribution system has several practical limitations...

Infrastructure in a Hurry
The City of Austin, Texas has experienced tremendous growth since the early 1970s. Until recently, however, infrastructure development lagged. Now the city is engaged in a $1 billion infrastructure...

Building a Bridge Within a Bridge
The City of Grand Rapids had to replace an aging bridge connecting vital commercial centers on opposite sides of Michigan's Grand River. The city's consultants...

The Metropolitan Boston Area Earthquake Loss Study
This study develops an inventory of critical facilities in the Metropolitan Boston area and analyzes the impact of a project earthquake (Cape Ann Event) on their structural integrity and...

Passing the Public Works Buck
Users and beneficiaries of local and state public works projects are paying a larger share of their cost. State and federal grants and general local revenues are being relied on less....

Urban Energy Systems for the 21st Century: Transition Paths
Alternative energy systems can be expected to be a significant part of advanced, 'intelligent,' infrastructure systems for cities of the 21st Century. The question...

Facility Location and Land Use: The Urban/Rural Dilemma?A Commentary
A large part of the dilemma associated with the conflicting impacts of facility location and land use is not so much a lack of technical engineering input, but rather the lack of analytical...

Urban/Rural Interactions in Dade County, Florida
Dade County, which contains the City of Miami, is generally urbanized, yet contains pockets of rural and semi-rural areas. These areas are affected by surrounding urbanization, and some...

Designing People Places
Designing people places on the waterfront relies on first satisfying people's needs. The needs of people in public places (both on and off the waterfront) include at least...

The Revitalization of Toledo's Waterfront
This paper traces the revitalization of Toledo's Maumee riverfront through a public/private cooperative effort that has spanned more than a decade. The development and funding...

Waterfront Development: Getting It Started?The Public Sector Role
In comparison with other forms of urban development - by almost any measure you wish to choose - the waterfront is the most difficult and complex area to develop. Despite all of the obstacles,...

Solving Complex Urban Design Problems
Waterfront redevelopment projects under construction today should be a designer's dream. They offer an opportunity to apply a unified, large-scale vision to unusually large...

Water Use Planning?Boston Harbor
Boston's urban waterfront is at a unique juncture in history. Although the waterfront's historic heavy industrial and transportation uses have all but collapsed,...

Seattle's Central Waterfront
The character and identity of Seattle are based largely on its extensive waterfront areas. The city has approximately 90 miles of shoreline, one of the benefits of possessing a varied...





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