Behavior of Suction Piles in Sand
In the marine environment, use of suction pressure for the installation of sealed top piles (suction piles) is a promising alternative to driven pile foundations, particularly in deep...

Transmitted Swelling Pressures on Retaining Structures
The main objectives of this paper are to describe a finite element model to simulate the lateral swelling behavior of expansive soils as a function of soil suction change in the soil domain...

Elasto-Plastic Volume Change of Unsaturated Compacted Clay
Isotropic compression tests were performed on samples of unsaturated compacted kaolin in a modified triaxial cell that allowed separate control of pore water pressure and pore air pressure....

One and Three Dimensional, Three Phase Deformation in Soil
An initially saturated soil exhibits two distinct deformation patterns as it drys. First, it deforms vertically until the soil begins to drain. Secondly , it deforms laterally as well...

Permeability Determination for Unsaturated Soils
A reliable approach for the determination of the soil hydraulic conductivity function relies on the parameter estimation solution approach in which heterogeneous state of saturation within...

Transit Times Through Compacted Clay Liners
Transit time, or time taken by waste liquid to move through the thickness of the liner, is a short-term performance parameter which can be used to determine the necessary liner thickness....

Slip-Lining Solution
Grouting the annular space between a corroded sewer pipe and newly installed liner pipe is a stage of a typical sewer line rehabilitation project which contains hidden problems and difficulties....

A Design Manual for Coastal Fluidization Systems
This paper summarizes a recently completed design manual on fluidization systems to manage sand in the coastal environment for sand bypassing at inlets and harbor mouths and for creating...

Should the U.S. Accept the Concept of Navigable Depth?
Navigable depth is defined as the maximum depth of water from the chart datum that is safe to accept as the bed of the channel, such that damage does not occur to a ship's hull and maneuverability...

Tackling Trapped Sediments
Crater-sink fluidization has been used to recover sediment from harbors for the past couple of decades. Can this method bypass sediment around dams and return it to eroded beaches, solving...

Wave Interaction with Fluid Mud in Rectangular Trench
Wave interaction with fluid mud in a rectangular trench is studied theoretically based on small-amplitude wave theory. The problem was formulated using the Voigt model for an viscoelastic...

Aspects of Parallel Processing in Reservoir Simulation
Vectorization techniques have proved to be extremely effective for large-scale reservoir simulations. Parallel capabilities hold even greater potential for these enormous problems. Domain...

Nonlinear Behavior of Thin Slender Free Surface Non-Newtonian Elliptical Rings
This paper analyzes the nonlinear motion of a slender concentric thin elliptical ring of an incompressible, non-Newtonian fluid. This study includes the physical effects of surface tension,...

Computerized Tomographic Analysis of Fluid Flow in Fractured Tuff
The purpose of this summary is to demonstrate the usefulness of X-ray computerized tomography to observe fluid flow down a fracture and rock matrix inhibition in a sample of Bandelier...

Frictional Aspect of Rocking-Sliding of a Rigid Block with Surface Impact
During the very short time of impact between a rigid rectangular block and a rigid foundation, the interface pressure distribution varies with time in a complicated manner. Due to this...

Water Wave Generated by a Porous Wavemaker
A vertical porous wavemaker sitting in an infinitely long channel of constant depth is studied. The wavemaker performs horizontal oscillatory motion. A simplified analytical approach for...

Dynamic Response of an Infinite Beam Supported by a Fluid
The objective of this study is to investigate the dynamic response of an infinite beam supported by a fluid on one side, and subjected to dynamic loading on the other side. The fluid underneath...

Computation of Wind Pressures on L-Shaped Buildings
The paper refers to the numerical simulation of turbulent wind conditions around an arbitrarily-shaped building composed of two rectangular blocks. The time-averaged Navier-Stokes equations...

Wind Effect on Oblique Motion of Two Bodies in a Uniform Flow
The wind effect on the general translational motion of a circular cylinder through an inviscid and incompressible fluid, conveyed by a uniform flow at infinity, in the vicinity of another...

Three-Dimensional Thermal Jump in Stratified Cooling Channel
This study is concerned with basic properties of three-dimensional thermal jumps. Temperature measurements obtained in three-dimensional thermal jumps are presented. The jumps analyzed...





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