Modelling of Flood Propagation Over Initially Dry Areas
This proceedings, Modelling of Flood Propagation Over Initially Dry Area, contains papers presented at the Specialty conference co-sponsored...

Fundamentals and Advancements in Hydraulic Measurements and Experimentation
This proceedings, Fundamentals and Advancements in Hydraulic Measurements and Experimentation, contains papers presented at the Symposium held...

Hydraulic Engineering
These proceedings, Hydraulic Engineering '94, contain summaries of the papers presented at the 1994 National Conference on Hydraulic...

Coastal Dynamics `94
During the past decade, numerical models of coastal dynamics have provided far more information than could be validated with field and laboratory measurements. Lack of data has restricted...

Urban Drainage Rehabilitation Programs and Techniques
Selected Papers on Urban Drainage Rehabilitation from 1988-1993 Water Resource Planning and Management Division Conference Sessions
This book, Urban Drainage Rehabilitation Programs and Techniques, is a collection of conference papers presented at technical sessions sponsored...

Computer-Aided Cleanup
In late 1992, the remedial investigation of Operable Unit 2 at the Department of Energy's Fernald Superfund site in Ohio was in trouble. Despite years of effort-including...

Cable-Stayed Convention Center
Big convention center brings big money. For that reason, officials in Kansas City, Mo. hoped to double the size of the Bartle Hall Convention Center. Little available land, however, surrounded...

Design of Shotcrete Linings at the Channel Tunnel
Shotcrete is one of the essential support elements of tunnels driven according to the principles of the New Austrian Tunnelling Method (NATM). Whereas originally the NATM was mainly based...

Network Management Using GIS
This paper is concerned with the opportunities that arise from combining digital highway networks, relational databases, GIS technology, specialist application software, and workstation...

Use of Geographic Information System for Transportation Data Analysis
Origin-destination (O-D) survey data have been usually applied to identify travel characteristics for transportation planning activities. Travel forecasting models are also validated against...

Validation and Application of THE Model's Trip Table Estimation Process
The Highway Emulator (THE) Model is a microcomputer based travel demand forecasting program maintained by the Central Transportation Planning Staff (CTPS). In addition to the traditional...

Estimating Network Model Parameters from Mail Survey Data
Network models are generally based on a four-step modeling process; trip generation, trip distribution, modal split, and trip assignment. Microcomputer implementations of these steps have...

Transit Network Modelling?A New Approach
London's underground is one of the world's largest heavy-rail underground systems. London underground Limited (LUL) is the main rapid transit operator in London, and is financed directly...

Florida's New Toll Facilities Model
Florida's Turnpike provides a system of user-financed limited access toll highways meeting important transportation needs in the State of Florida, while protecting the interests of its...

Corridor Analysis Using QRS II Route 9 Case Study
This traffic modeling project is part of a larger planning study of the Route 9 corridor through the Town of Hadley and parts of Amherst and Northampton. The Pioneer Valley Planning Comission...

Assignment Modeling with Dynamic Traffic Effects
This paper describes the new traffic assignment modeling provided by the Highway analysis component of the TRIPS package. This tackles some fundamental modeling issues regarding the time...

Travel Demand with Forecasting Microsimulation
Transportation planners forecast travel demand using techniques that are based on dissagregate models estimated from cross-sectional data. Their forecasts are usually single future time...

Validating a Citywide Traffic Planning Model
A traffic planning model can improve the public agency's ability to forecast future traffic and plan appropriate roadway intrastructure. However, the usefulness of these models depends...

Real-Time Delay Measurement and Intersection Analysis System
Two intersection delay measurement approaches are developed, and a framework for a real-time traffic signal data collection and intersection operational analysis system is presented. The...

A Method for Reviewing and Assessing PASSER II and TRANSYT-7F Signal Timing Optimization Outputs
The development of traffic signal timing plans is a common task. Some of the traffic software programs are the Arterial analysis package (AAP), the Progression Analysis and Signal System...





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