Are High and Low Flow Habitat Values Really the Same?
The Instream Flow Incremental Methodology calculates physical habitat as a weighted sum. Suitability of use information for each modeled species and life stage are used to weight each...
Three Dimensional Modeling of Watershed Hydrology
A three dimensional finite element numerical model is developed for the first order watershed hydrology using 8-noded isoparametric brick elements. The 3-D subsurface flow in a hillslope...
Indicator Variography for Spatial Characterization of Aquifer Heterogeneities
The qualitative information or soft data from lithologic descriptions is processed using a state-of-the-art geostatistical approach to delineate, with quantified uncertainty, the extent...
Development of Storage Demand Relation for Reservoirs?A Probabilistic Approach
This paper presents a practical method for developing storage-demand relation for reservoirs by a probability analysis of the stream flow data. The method was employed by the author for...
A TVD MacCormack Method for Open Water Hydraulics and Transport
Electrokinetic Cleanups
Electrokinetic remediation of contaminated soils is a relatively new research area. Electrokinetic phenomena can be used to create barriers, and move particles, including pollutants such...
Ice Jam Configuration: Second Generation Model
An early model of ice jam configuration in wide, prismatic channels is generalized for applications to natural streams. Test runs are carried out to illustrate model performance and study...
A Conceptual Model for Vertical Frazil Distribution in Turbulent Flows
A conceptual model is presented for the evolution of frazil over depth in a turbulent flow. The net upward migration due to buoyancy of the frazil is opposed by intermittent mixing induced...
Heat Exchange at the Ice/Water Interface on Flowing Water
Any time the water flowing under an ice cover has a temperature above freezing, there is an exchange of heat between the water and the ice. Earlier work by Ashton and others provided adequate...
Multiphase Flows and the Modeling of Drifting Snow
Three categories of multiphase flow theories are commonly specialized for modeling drifting snow; the 'two-fluid' model, particle tracking schemes and kinetic...
Spray and Ice Measurement Instrumentation for Ships
Bow slamming is the primary water delivery mechanism for ship superstructure icing. Spray flux is largely dependent upon hull dynamics, and cannot be computed numerically with current...
The USACRREL Underwater Frazil Ice Detector
A modified underwater frazil ice detector has been developed at USACRREL. This detector, which operates remotely, can automatically start deicing procedures and alert operators to the...
Condition Assessment Experience with Silos and Bunkers
This paper presents a methodology for condition assessment of coal silos and bunkers for retrofitting projects. Some typical problems such as corrosion, erosion, vibrations and buckling...
Radiocolloid Transport in Saturated and Unsaturated Fractures
Studies have shown that radionuclides and toxic materials can attach to colloidal particles in groundwater or are themselves colloids. Since these contaminated particles can migrate several...
Strain Distribution in Fault Zones and Fluid Flow
Field and laboratory studies have shown that mechanical shearing in fault zones produces a repeatable fabric that changes with increasing shear strain. In the brittle field of mechanical...
Fractal Characteristics of Fracture Roughness and Aperture Data
In this study mathematical expressions are developed for the characteristics of apertures between rough surfaces. It shown that the correlation between the opposite surfaces influences...
Assessment of Fracture-Sampling Techniques for Laboratory Tests on Core
As part of the site characterization work to be done at Yucca Mountain in Nye County, Nevada, a candidate site for the first mined-geologic repository for high-level nuclear waste, laboratory...
Conceptual Design Study of Geological Disposal System of High-Level Waste
Conceptual design study of geological disposal system for HLW was carried out taking into account geological environment in Japan, in order to provide disposal concepts for integrated...
Effect of Material Heterogeneities on Flow Through Porous Media
Modeling studies were conducted to determine the effects of material heterogeneities on the flow of water through rock. Multiple numerical calculations were made using random variations...
Lubrication Theory Analysis of the Permeability of Rough-Walled Fractures
Lubrication theory is used to study the permeability of rough-walled rock fractures. Two idealized models of a fracture, in which the roughness follows a sinusoidal or a sawtooth variation,...
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