Product Quality and Process Control in the Windscale Vitrification Plant
The Windscale Vitrification Plant (WVP) is owned and operated by British Nuclear Fuels (BNFL) at the Sellafield Site in England. The purpose of the facility is to condition the high level...

The Processing of Simulated High-Level Radioactive Waste Sludges Containing Nitrites and Mercury
The reaction of formic acid with simulated alkaline sludge containing mercury and nitrite was studied in an engineering-scale facility. Quantification of offgas production was performed,...

Properties of Solidified HLW and Their Changes Under Storage and Disposal Conditions
The paper gives the results of the studies of the properties of different solidified high level waste (HLW) - vitreous (phosphate and borosilicate) composites as well as glass ceramics...

How Can we Deal with NIMBY in Nuclear Waste Management?
The effects of the NIMBY Syndrome on the siting of nuclear waste disposal facilities are described, and its causes are examined. The failure of traditional siting approaches and communications...

Developing an Education Program for Schools on Radioactive Waste Management
United Kingdom Nirex Limited is responsible for the development of a deep disposal facility for Britain's solid low and intermediate-level radioactive wastes. In line with...

Curriculum and Instruction in Nuclear Waste Disposal
Curriculum and instruction in nuclear waste disposal is part of the larger problem of curriculum and instruction in science. At a time when science and technological literacy is crucial...

Nagra's Information Strategy 1991
This paper discusses the acceptance problems faced by nagra, opinion research as a basis for action, the nagra message, transmission measures, communication levels, instruments of communication...

Communicating Confidence and Creating Credibility
To educate the general public and their opinion leaders in radioactive waste management is imperative to reach the decision where to site the Swedish repository for spent nuclear fuel....

Public Education, Public Confidence, and Public Acceptance of Radioactive Waste Management Facilities
This paper critically examines the conventional assumption that public opposition is a function of public illiteracy and emotionalism by reviewing recent articles on radioactive waste...

Mineralogic Alteration History and Paleohydrology at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
The importance of paleohydrology to the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project derives from the role water will play in radioactive-waste repository performance. Changes in hydrologic...

Fracture-Lining Minerals in the Lower Topopah Spring Tuff at Yucca Mountain
Fracture-lining minerals in the lower Topopah Spring Member of the Paintbrush Tuff at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, are being examined to characterize potential flow paths within and away from...

Radionuclide Migration as a Function of Mineralogy
The migration of radionuclides is studied as a function of mineralogy utilizing batch sorption and column experiments. The transport behavior of alkaline, alkaline-earth, and transition...

Compilation/Validation of Thermodynamic Data for Plutonium for Nuclear Waste Disposal: 1. Preliminary Results
A provisional thermodynamic database for plutonium has been compiled from a review of available data and other critical compilations. The database was compared to tabulations of Gibbs...

Flow and Transport Around a Noncontinuous Horizontal Layer at Yucca Mountain
Computer simulations were used to examine the effect of a noncontinuous horizontal layer on the flow field and contaminant transport of a simplified conceptual model. The domain consisted...

Evaluation of Geoscientific Information Systems for Three-Dimensional Ground-Water Modeling, Yucca Mountain, Nevada
Fully three-dimensional representations of the geologic system at Yucca Mountain have been developed using a Geoscientific Information System, which is an expansion of a traditional Geographic...

Effect of Material Heterogeneities on Flow Through Porous Media
Modeling studies were conducted to determine the effects of material heterogeneities on the flow of water through rock. Multiple numerical calculations were made using random variations...

Unsaturated Flow Through a Variable Aperture Fracture in Topopah Spring Welded Tuff
The role of fractures in unsaturated flow through welded and nonwelded tuffaceous rocks is a fundamental question being addressed in performance assessment activities for the Yucca Mountain...

Modelling of Hydro-Thermo-Mechanical Effects in a Fracture Intersecting a Nuclear Waste Deposition Hole
The groundwater flow in a vertical fracture intersecting a hypothetical nuclear waste deposition hole was examined. After excavation and emplacement of the nuclear waste canister, the...

Predicted Thermal and Stress Environments in the Vicinity of Repository Openings
An understanding of the thermal and stress environment in the vicinity of repository openings is important for preclosure performance considerations and worker health and safety considerations...

Microwave Measurements of the Water Content of Bentonite
The theory of operation of microwave coaxial resonators is described. Sample preparation and the application of resonator techniques to the measurement of the permittivity (dielectric...





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