Computer Aided River Basin Management in the Alps
The present paper outlines progress in developing river basin management potential through joint research on several Alpine River Systems including the Avisio, Brenta, and Cordevole. Applications...

Interaction Between the Technical and Political Processes in Solving Flooding Problems at the Great Salt Lake, Utah
The Great Salt Lake occupies the lowest point in a drainage basin of approximately 22,000 mi**2 (57000 km**2). Inflows to the lake occur as surface runoff, groundwater flows, and precipitation...

Orleans Parish Drainage Improvements
A case study of the development of an urban drainage master plan for Orleans Parish, Louisiana is presented. The Parish, which occupies an area of approximately 98,000 acres, lies entirely...

Stormwater Management in Orlando, Florida
Metropolitan Orlando, Florida contains 82 lakes and approximately 200 drainage wells which serve as ultimate outfall for stormwater runoff. The quality of the surface receiving waters...

Best Management Practices Overview
In the general list of best management practices for stormwater control, many practices are currently being used. On-line retention and detention ponds are used frequently and their importance...

Effectiveness of Extended Detention Ponds
Field and laboratory studies of the performance of detention facilities for the removal of selected pollutants from urban stormwater were conducted. The laboratory studies consisted of...

Design and Effectiveness of Urban Retention Basins
Retention basins are recommended by practicing engineers and regulatory agencies for stormwater management in new land developments. They may require considerable space which limits their...

Detention and Retention Controls for Urban Runoff
The operating principle for retention devices is the interception and capture of runoff, preventing its direct release to surface waters. The most common mechanism by which captured runoff...

Designing for Flow
Geotextiles used for in-plane drainage can carry surprisingly large amounts of water within their structures. These composite drains, known as sheet drains, prefabricated drainage composites...

Wicking Bay Muds
Mud deposits in the San Francisco Bay area make construction difficult. Subsidence prevents many from building in the area. Engineers for O'Brien Kreitzberg conquered this...

Cut-and-Fill Becomes Cut-and-Drain
The U.S. Navy's facility in Subic Bay, Philippines, is in a mountainous area which experiences 182 inches of rain per year. These factors plus weak soil, made necessary an...

Wharf Stands on Stone Columns
A wharf was constructed in New Orleans on very weak soils. To prevent lateral and vertical movement of the soil, normally the entire wharf and adjacent structure would be founded on steel...

Overview of Soil and Engineering Geologic Conditions in the Beaufort, Chukchi, and Bering Seas
General soil and engineering geologic conditions that are likely to affect exploratory drilling and development activities in six Alaska OCS lease sale areas are discussed. Important conditions...

Deep Water Bering Sea Development Concepts
A brief description of the major environmental factors that a structure used to produce oil and gas in the deep water Bering Sea would have to cope with is presented. In particular, the...

Proportional Weirs for Stormwater Pond Outlets
Many jurisdictions mandate that new developments must not cause runoff to flow downstream, during and after rainfalls, at rates higher than preconstruction. A common for controlling runoff...

Modeling Off-Site Impacts
The off-site impacts of a flood water control program were evaluated by applying the SWRRB (Simulation of Water Resources on Rural Basins) model to a treated basin, primarily agricultural,...

Soldier Creek Dam Foundation Drainage
A possible mode of failure for Teton Dam, piping of erodible core material through unsealed foundation joints, was also concluded as being possible at Soldier Creek Dam, Utah. Evaluations...

Micro Use in Water Management in the Brazos Basin
The Brazos River Authority, an agency of the State of Texas created to conserve and develop the surface waters of the 42,000 square mile (110,000 km) Brazos River Basin, is in the midst...

Use of Spreadsheets in Stormwater Modeling
The use of microcomputers is becoming more and more prevalent in both large and small design offices as their first cost continues to decrease, as their capabilities continue to increase,...

Water Quantity Management for a River Regulating Agency
A river reservoir operations model (RROM) was developed to assist the Hudson River-Black River Regulating District manage flows in the Upper Hudson River Basin. The purpose of the RROM...





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