A Fatigue Study of Prestressing Strand
Strand fatigue data reported in the literature and also from recent tests were combined to form a data base of strand fatigue data which was analyzed using regression analysis techniques....

Intelligent User Interface for Network Signal Optimization Programs
This paper presents the design philosophy and program intelligence used in EZ-TRANSYT and EZ-SIGOP, powerful multi-window input data managers for TRANSYT-7F and SIGOP-III, respectively....

Activity Center Development Impact Analysis
A flexible microcomputer spreadsheet analysis method is described for analyzing area-wide and localized impacts of new development in urban or suburban activity centers. The analysis approach...

A Decision Support System for Freeway Corridor Analysis
When the scope of a particular corridor study dictates the review and analysis of a relatively large number of road segments along major transportation corridors, the integration of roadway...

Traffic Engineering Data Collection Using Custom Equipment and Microcomputer System Equipment and Procedures
This paper presents experience with various traffic engineering data collection equipment and devices. It presents criteria for the development of a general purpose data collection system....

Real Time Vehicle Systems Monitoring
The system, which has recently been developed, consists of onboard vehicle micro-processor monitoring, data reduction and transmission components, a VHF or satellite communications link,...

KSLAD: A Traffic Accident Data Analysis Program
Originally developed to run within the dBASE III (tm) operating environment, Kansas Local Accidents Database (KSLAD) has since been upgraded to operate under dBASE III Plus (tm). Work...

Highway Safety Analysis and Monitoring
The Highway Safety Analysis and Monitoring (HISAM) software was developed under a Federal Highway Administration research contract and is designed to aid local agencies with data base...

A Model for Analyzing Large Transportation Networks on a Microcomputer
The Pedestrian Level of Service (PEDLS) model combines the best features of spreadsheet programs - their ease of use for inputting data and producing printed output reports - with the...

Computerization of Transit Performance Evaluatio
The Virginia Transit Performance Evaluation Package (VATPEP) has reduced the state's effort in processing information for its annual report on public transportation from over...

Human Factors in a Bus Route Monitoring System
In 1984 the Maryland Mass Transit Administration began a systemwide route monitoring effort. Data collection was accomplished principally by on-board checkers using laptop Epson microcomputers...

A Data Base System for Hazardous Materials Transportation
This paper reports on a hazardous materials transportation study conducted in Arizona. Two types of surveys were conducted: hazardous waste shipments for 1983 and 1984 compiled from manifests;...

The Effects of Earthquakes on Power and Industrial Facilities and Implications for Nuclear Power Plant Design
Fifteen earthquakes, ranging from magnitude 5.2 to 8.4 on the Richter scale that have occurred in five countries since 1952, were studied. This report documents the performance of power...

The Pacific Northwest Hydropower Data Base Study
The Hydropower Data Base is presently a functional tool for evaluating hydropower in the Northwest. It is a complete system which has been implemented using a variety of crosschecks and...

The Corps of Engineers' New Hydropower Manual
The Corps of Engineers has recently completed a new Engineering Manual (EM), which outlines procedures used for the evaluation of hydropower projects. It will serve as the basic Corps...

Safety of Dams Activities in the Bureau of Reclamation Lower Colorado Region
In the Lower Colorado Region of the Bureau of Reclamation (BuRec), there are presently eight BuRec dams and one Bureau of Indian Affairs dam being modified or studied for modification...

A Field Study of Wind-Induced Conductor Loads
A 161 kV steel pole line in Omaha, Nebraska, is instrumented to provide conductor load field data due to climatic events. Various transducers and monitoring equipment used for data acquisition...

TLMRF Research Initiatives
The research initiatives of the EPRI (Electric Power Research Institute) structural development project RP2016-03 are described. The interrelationship of these initiatives with cosponsored...

Strain Gaging and Data Acquisition at the TLMRF
Strain gages are the major source of data for the TLMRF (Transmission Line Mechanical Research Facility) research program. Measurement of member loads and bending moments in lattice towers...

Ester West Slide?A Case History
An 80 foot high embankment was benched into graphitic schist permafrost on a north facing slope approximately 25 miles west of Fairbanks, Alaska. Soon after construction approximately...





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