Progress Since 1979 in Norway
Following the completion of the major research program 'Purification of Wastewater' in 1978, the organized research activities in urban hydrology almost came...

Progress Since 1979 in the Netherlands
Since the last progress-report still more emphasis has been laid on quality aspects of surface waters. Municipalities as well as Provinces and the national government are responsible for...

Urban Runoff Research in Poland - Progress Since 1979
Research concerning urban hydrology in the scope necessary for drainage and urban runoff is financed in Poland within the framework of the Government Research Program Development and utilization...

Prgoress Since 1979 in India
Since India is a developing nation urban flood control benefits which are 'negative goods' have a low priority. Recently there is an increased awareness in India...

State of Art in Urban Hydrology in Switzerland
The research in urban hydrology in Switzerland does not result from a national organized and planned will, to solve hydrological problems (quantity and quality) due to urbanization. In...

Current Status of Urban Hydrology in Finland
Due to a smaller scale of urban problems on Finland, active research work on urban hydrology began as late as in the mid-1970's. The major urban hydrology and related studies...

Urban Hydrology Progress Since 1979 in the U.S.
Much of the progress in urban hydrology in the U. S. occurred before 1979. Some of the results of activities initiated or reported before that date are just becoming widely known, however....

Progress on IHP Project A.2.9.
The initial work of Unesco in the area of urban hydrology was done by the Subgroup on the Effects of Urbanization on the Hydrological Environment during the International Hydrologic Decade...

Overview: Introduction to Cold Region Construction
Speaking of cold region construction, it is natural to think only of the arctic, however, this is completely erroneous. Throughout North America there are various types of cold region...

Ice and Snow Utilization in Cold Regions Construction
An overview of requirements is presented for the planning, design, and construction of roads, pads, and airfields using water, ice and snow as construction materials. Practical guidelines...

Thermal Storage, Now and Future
Two-part article describes a 250 x 82 x 22 ft underground concrete tank that stores about 29,000 ton-hours of cooling effect for Yale University's medical school complex....

Pipelines in Adverse Environments II
State of the art and future trends in pipeline design, construction and maintenance are reviewed. Specific areas addressed include adverse terrain conditions, river crossings-particularly...

Economics of Regionalization
This report investigates some of the arguments for and against regionalization of systems in the water supply industry. The history, potential advantages, disadvantages and costs and benefits...

Journal of Environmental Engineering
The Journal of Environmental Engineering presents broad interdisciplinary information on the practice and status of research in environmental engineering science, systems engineering, and sanitation. Papers...

Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
The Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering covers all phases of irrigation, drainage, engineering hydrology, and related water management subjects, such as watershed management, weather modification,...

Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management
The Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management reports on all phases of planning and management of water resources. The papers examine social, economic, environmental, and administrative concerns...

Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering
The Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering presents information regarding the engineering aspects of dredging, floods, ice, pollution, sediment transport, and tidal wave action that...

Accelerated Population and Industrial Growth Spurs Completion of Water Project
The total federal government investment for the Southern Nevada Water Project is $171,332,000. The project is one of the largest water resources solutions applied in the U.S. today and...

Landmark Projects of Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
Excerpts are discussed from major papers to be presented at the March 1982 Construction Equipment and Techniques for the Eighties Specialty Conference to be held at Purdue University....

Urban Water Conservation
Increasing Efficiency-in-Use Residential Water Demand
Water supply and wastewater flow problems have resulted in an increasing concern with urban water demand. This report is an assessment of various water conservation measures aimed at reducing...





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