Computer Aided Drafting in the Water Resources Environment
The movement from traditional mechanical drafting to computer aided drafting in the small consulting business/research environment while necessary from the viewpoint of productivity and...

Computer Aided River Basin Management in the Alps
The present paper outlines progress in developing river basin management potential through joint research on several Alpine River Systems including the Avisio, Brenta, and Cordevole. Applications...

Interactive simulation of Water Resource Systems
This paper outlines some of the research currently underway at Cornell aimed at the design of an interactive simulation methododology. It describes the general approach to simulation modeling,...

Classification and Behavior of Meander Migration
Meander migrations on the Mississippi River between Cairo, Illinois and Baton Rouge, Louisiana for the time period between the years 1765 and 1930 were classified into six categories based...

Management Strategy
Meanders of sinuous streams are often cut off by natural action or by man in order to improve conveyance or navigability. Cutoff bendways, as long as they remain aquatic, provide extremely...

Effect of the Fluid Velocity on the Biofilm Development
In order to get basic information concerning the application of a biological treatment to the ammonia nitrogen removal from drinking water, we considered the relation between the biofilm...

A New Methodology for Modelling Water Pipe Breaks
A new methodology for modelling breaks in large diameter cast-iron water pipes is proposed. The need to consider two separate stages of deterioration (early stages with fewer breaks and...

Water System Reliability?Balance of Cost and Risk
Reliability of water distribution systems to perform adequately during stress situations is dependent both on operation/maintenance preparedness as well as the limitations of the physical...

Grand Canyon Water Line by Directional Drilling
The South Rim Village at Grand Canyon National Park obtains its water supply from a point called Roaring Springs which is located approximately 15 miles across the Canyon on the North...

Effects of Agriculture on Ground-Water Quality in Dade County, Florida
Multidepth wells at five test fields and a monitoring network of water-table wells in Dade County, Florida, were sampled twice during 1985 to determine concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus,...

A Model Relating Water and Sediment Yield to Upstream Agricultural Practices
A physical-process model is formulated to quantify daily water and sediment yield as related to upstream land use, land management, and soil and water conservation measures. This model...

Implications of Nitrogen Transport by the Okanagan River
The long-term mean of total nitrogen load estimated in the river channel above the inlet to Skaha Lake is 906 lb day** minus **1. The apportionment of ammonia and nitrate plus nitrite...

Converting a Mainframe Erosion Simulation Model to a Microcomputer Software
In this paper, techniques for mainframe to micro conversion are discussed. As a practical case, an erosion simulation model was used. The created software predicts distribution of erosion...

Ground Water Strategy in California
There is great debate over when and how much new water California needs. Yet of the backbone supply, wells that could serve over 1 million people have been either removed from use or blended...

The Role of Local Government in Water Quality Management
To meet the challenge of providing safe drinking water at a reasonable cost, local governments, together with water utilities, must do more than merely fund the implementation of state...

What About the Point-of-Use?
Point-of-use (POU) granular activated carbon (GAC) treatment devices are being installed more frequently on community water sytems and on private wells. This article describes carbon filter...

Advection Calculations Using Spline Schemes
The calculation of advective transport in one and two dimensions is done by the method of characteristics using spline interpolating polynomials at the forward time step. The method has...

A Computer Model for Oil Slick Transport in Rivers
A computer model for simulating oil slick transport in rivers is presented. In the model the effects of advection, spreading, evaporation, and dissolution on the transformation of an oil...

In-Situ Microocosms for Calibrating Dynamic Models
The calibration of dynamic water quality models for lakes and reservoirs requires significant quantities of data, experience, and judgement. In particular, the identification of an appropriate...

Conjunctive Water Use Planning
The phase 'conjunctive use' refers to the integrated management of various water resources within a river basin or other geographic region. The objectives of...





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