A Problem Oriented Courseware Interface
A program has been created in an attempt to utilize the benefits of the microcomputer in assisting the learning process without invoking the attendance 'black-box'...

Analysis and Design of Prestressed Concrete Spun Poles
A microcomputer package for the analysis and design of prestressed concrete spun poles is described. The package, named PCPAD, consists of six programs each having a specific analysis...

The Software Implications of Supercomputer Architecture
A simple look at computer architecture from a computational (and hence user) perspective is observed. A relation between computer architecture and software development is explored. Today's...

Finite Element Software on a Multiprocessor
The continuing implementation and testing of finite element software on the Butterfly Parallel Processor is discussed. The Butterfly computer is a general purpose, shared memory machine...

Equation Solving on a Parallel Computer
The application of computers to the analysis of large structural systems is examined. The analysis procedure is presented as three distinct phases: (1) element formulation, (2) equation...

Reflections on the Impact of Computer Science on Engineering
Over the past several decades, the use of computers in engineering has grown significantly. Over this same time period, work in the relatively new discipline of Computer Science has impacted...

A Perspective on Engineering Computing
Computing in engineering seems to be evolving very rapidly and yet the data shows that it frequently takes twenty years before a viable concept becomes widely available. Economics is the...

Liability: Problem or Crisis?
Engineering firms are being hit with liability insurance rate increases of 30%, 50% or more. Deductibles are being raised and the maximum coverage is being decreased. Some firms cannot...

Construction Company Builds a Computer System
The case history of the computerization of a construction company is presented. The report reviews the stages that the company went through from manual operations for bookkeeping, estimating,...

Scenic Squeeze
Constructing a four-lane dual highway through the 12 miles of Colorado's Glenwood Canyon involves several engineering innovations: cantilevered roadways, unusual retaining...

Turnaround in Houston
Simply implementing the suggestions of the workers building a 14-story garage in Houston, turned a disaster in the making into a project ahead of schedule and under budget. The work force...

Tort Liability in the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
During the past decade many have questioned the propriety of the doctrine of sovereign immunity; numerous legal challenges and legislative changes have eroded the doctrine in most states....

Evaluation of Safety Alternatives by Benefit/Cost Analysis
There is an increasing awareness of the need to use limited highway safety funds on projects that offer the greatest benefits. This paper describes the development and application of a...

Some Questions on the Accuracy of Safety Effectiveness Evaluations
The generally positive benefits of safety improvements, and, in particular, upgraded traffic control devices, are well-established. More difficult is the explicit rank-ordering of traffic...

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Highway Safety Improvements
The need exists for better information relative to the effectiveness of various safety treatments and actions. Reliable measures of effectiveness are required for determining the most...

Roadside Design in the Future
Since the first roadways were built, highway designers have constantly been striving to ensure that motorists can travel to their destinations on safe highways. However, their efforts...

Effects of Shoulder Reductions on Highway Safety
In order to accomodate existing traffic and projected growth, it is essential that the most effective use be made of the limited right-of-way available for freeways. It is important to...

Shoulder Rumble Strips at Narrow Bridges
The highways in the United States have thousands of minimum design narrow bridges. Replacement of these bridges with current state of the art designs is not cost effective nor feasible...

Effects of Lane Width Reduction on Safety and Flow
This research dealt with the issue of lane narrowing as an alternative to pavement widening in providing safety improvements on urban freeways. This study dealt with I-95 in Miami Florida...

Selection of Performance Levels for Longitudinal Barriers
There is a demand within the highway community for multi-service level safety features, including traffic barriers. The need has become more acute in recent years as revenues decline and...





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