Hydrogen Cycle Peak Power at Low-Head Sites
A major draw back to further development of low-head hydro power is that it usually uses run-of-the-river operations. The storage potential for peaking power production that large reservoirs...

Power from a Water Supply System: A Resource Which Can Be Tapped
There are numerous water supply systems from which hydroelectric power could be developed without impending the regular operational schedule. The basic principle of operation is not different...

Planning a Resource-Compatible Low Head Waterpower Development
Responsible development of waterpower potential is a significant aspect of comprehensive water resource planning. Recent interest in small scale hydro projects has generated concern among...

Incorporating a Hydro Plant into a Municipal Water System
While recently reformulating water use strategy and policy in association with the development of a new water supply reservoir, a large North Carolina municipality was prompted to assess...

Camp Far West Hydroelectric Project--From Concept to Reality
The project has progressed through a series of predictable development stages including a detailed feasibility study, major project licensing, an environmental Initial Study and Negative...

Factory-Built Pump Stations for Water Service
Booster pumps for fire protection in tall buildings and small sewage pump stations have been available for many years as factory-built packages. These packages include pumps, motors, controls,...

Development of Toxic Screening Models for Surface Water Supplies
A major interest of the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency has been the assessment or ranking of vulnerable water utilities. Until recently, no techniques have been available that quantitatively...

Modifications of Dams for Recreational Boating
Many existing dams and river structures require modification, and new structures may need to include designs to allow safe white water activities. The basic problem is safety, with a long...

Recreational Freshwater Embayment Design for Acceptable Water Quality
Combined field and laboratory studies were used to relate water quality, geometry, and exchange characteristics in reservoir swim embayments. Water surface fluctuations in reservoirs are...

Water Supply Supplemented by Airport Storm Runoff
The quality of natural and induced storm water runoff from Oahu's Honolulu International Airport (HIA) and four outer island airports in Hawaii was evaluated for water supply...

Dual Source Water Supply Facilitates Power Plant Start-Up
The make-up cooling water supply for a four unit coal-fired steam turbine generating station required a peak demand of 28,000 gallons per minute (62. 4 cubic feet per second). Following...

A Systems Approach to the Assessment of Water Supply, Treatment, Storage and Distribution Systems
To focus on the needs of a system at present and in the future and to foresee potential problem areas prior to their occurrence, it is advisable for the management of a water utility to...

Studying Water System Operation by Computer
Computer modeling can greatly improve the planning and operation of water systems at relatively low cost. Time-dependent water system models can be used to refine improvements to a water...

Sensitivity of Model Choice in Reservoir Design
The Box-Jenkins method of model construction and tests of model adequacy and fit are applied to a reservoir design problem. The sensitivity of the stochastic models used to generate synthetic...

Stochastic Analysis and Modeling Levels of a Land-Locked Lake for Resource Development
Lakes are valuable natural resources that can be tapped for recreational, agricultural and other extensive lake side developments. Natural variability of lake levels is an important factor...

Reservoir Planning Using Marketable Water Rights
The needs and approaches for developing efficient methods for the allocation of natural water supplies and efficient planning methods for the design and operation of reservoirs and other...

Water Resources at the Utah Water Research Laboratory
The research staff comes from a wide spectrum of water science and engineering specialties. The authors address such diverse topics as hydraulic testing, erosion studies, and water quality...

Research in Hydraulics at California Institute of Technology
Activities are centered in the W. M. Keck Laboratory of Hydraulics and Water Resources. Research projects active at the Laboratory reflect a continuing commitment to traditional areas...

Current Research in Hydraulics at the Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station
Ongoing activities in hydraulics research at the U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station are described. The various areas in which research is under way are enumerated. Activities...

Will Southern California Revert to a Desert?
The nearly 13 million people in Southern California - one-half of California's population - face the prospect of water shortages in the near future. These people depend on...





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