Model to Maximize Releases for Supplemental Generation in a Pump-Storage System
An optimization model has been developed to maximize releases for supplemental power generation in a pump-storage system. The model was developed to aid in the scheduling of pump-storage...

Intrastate and Interstate Water Transfers
Riparian states generally do not permit transfers of water outside the watershed of origin, while the opposite is true in the appropriation states provided there is no harm to existing...

Evolving Institutions for Water Transfer in the U.S.
A major source of constraint is state water allocation law, which defines rights for water use and development, including in some cases restrictions on place of use that limit transfer....

Transferring Conserved Water
The proposal to transfer water salvaged by water conservation programs from one area to another is a new concept. Imperial Irrigation District (District), located in the southeast portion...

Interstate Agreements for Water Transfers
Any state is typically subjected to opposing forces that wish to 1) preserve limited water resources for future in-state uses, or 2) to export that resource for out-of-state use. Statutes...

Evaluation of Tertiary Wastewater Treatment Systems
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate factors affecting the optimum operations of coagulation-flocculation and filtration processes in municipal wastewater reclamation and reuse. Special...

Reusing Treated Wastewater for Irrigation of Raw-Eaten Vegetable Crops in Monterey County, California
The demonstration project was entitled the Monterey Wastewater Reclamation Study for Agriculture (MWRSA). It was principally a field trial study of the feasibility of irrigating food crops...

Effects of Artificial Recharge on Ground-Water Quality, Long Island, New York
Artificial-recharge experiments were conducted at East Meadow in central Nassau County, Long Island, N. Y. , from October 1982 through January 1984, to evaluate the degree of ground-water...

A Proposed Desilting Reservoir System in Taiwan
The paper discusses the design of a desilting system for Nanhwa reservoir, in which the reservoir is divided into two bays; water flows into the forebay for sedimentation and then over...

Effect of African Drought on Water Resource Management in Egypt
1980 marked the beginning of the worst drought to hit the Sahel and east Africa in 70 years. The consequences of the drought were compounded by inappropriate farming methods, bureaucratic...

Sediment Penetration in Lakes as a Result of Dredged Material Disposal and River Sediment Loads
Pollutant transport within the coastal boundary layer is highly sensitive to the vertical current structure and to the magnitude of the vertical current, especially during upwelling and...

Routing Comparisons in Natural and Geometric Channels
A method of establishing composite geometric cross section shapes hydraulically similar to natural cross sections with flood plains is proposed. The method is based on the nondimensionalized...

Remote Sensing Applications in the Model of Runoff Formation in Excess of Storage
The model of runoff formation in excess of storage applied in some humid regions of China is revised in this paper, so that the model can adopt the information provided by Landsat remote...

Modeling of the Undular Jump for White Water Bypass
Two of the authors have reported previously on the hazard that a conventional hydraulic jump with a uniform reverse surface roller presents to white water boaters. The intent is to create...

Toe Drain System?Barr and Milton Reservoirs, CO
The purpose of this paper is to describe the design and construction of toe drains in difficult soil conditions for two 70 plus year old dams in Colorado using a unique toe drain installation...

Scale Model Study Benefits Hydropower Project
The Jim Falls Project on the Chippewa River in Central Wisconsin deals with the replacement of an aged 11 MW run-of-river hydropower plant by a 48 MW peaking plant. A hydraulic model built...

Design and Construction of TCE/PCE Removal Facilities
This paper presents a review of the design and construction of a facility in Arcadia, California, to remove trichloroethylene (TCE) and tetrachlorethylene (PCE) from groundwater. The City...

Groundwater Quality Monitoring in the New York Metropolitan Area: Statistical Alternatives
The need for development of groundwater monitoring strategies for the New York metropolitan area with emphasis on statistical analysis has been investigated in this study. Statistical...

Coastal Protection Guidelines, Orange County, GA
As a result of coastal storms in the past several years the County of Orange (California) incurred large and unanticipated costs in providing emergency protection for private shorefront...

Wave Height Distribution in the Coupled Harbor
Wave height in a harbor sheltered by a breakwater is studied by numerical simulation and experiment. The coupled harbor, attained by setting up double arm breakwaters, was adopted as the...





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