Small Hydro Technology Transfer Project: Licensing Activities
This paper summarizes a report that is part of the Small Hydro Technology Project, sponsored jointly by the Department of Energy and the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). The Licensing...

Relicensing/Renewal and Coordinated Consultation
A project which has been constructed and operating for a number of years offers a substantial set of empirical data for assessing how - and by whom - the project should be continued in...

The Consumer and the Relicensing of Hydroelectric Facilities
Investor-owned utility companies hold licenses to more than three hundred and fifty hydroelectric projects in the United States. These projects are valued at an estimated 20 billion. They...

Hydro Relicensing: Planning Environmental Support for a Major Relicensing Program
The ultimate goal of the relicensing effort is to maintain the existing FERC licenses, and projects which continue to provide economic generation capacity. Failure to plan adequately can...

The Institutional Lender's View of Project Insurance Issues
The purposes of this article are to describe the typical insurance requirements of project financing institutions (particularly for projects with an insurable value of less than 20 million)...

Addressing Legal Issues in Municipal/Private Cooperative Ventures
The authors were directly involved in negotiating the first contract between a public body and a private developer for the rehabilitation and operation of a hydroelectric project in the...

Escondido Decision?Results, Impacts & Applications
The United States Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals decision of May 15, 1984, now requires Federal agencies and potential licensees to be more responsive to public needs and requirements....

Analysis of Slow Speed vs. High Speed Generation
This paper presents a discussion of the relative merits of each alternative, with emphasis placed on experience gained from projects recently completed. The discussion considers such factors...

Dolores Pumped-Storage Unit?A Case Study in Planning
The Durango Projects Office of the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) conducted a pumped-storage investigation from 1981 to 1983 on a site in southwestern Colorado. This paper describes...

Mt. Elbert Pumped-Storage Powerplant
This paper describes the principal design features, construction, and operation of Mt. Elbert Pumped-Storage Powerplant. Mt. Elbert is the Bureau of Reclamation's first and...

Unique Civil Engineering Features of the Balsam Meadow Pumped-Storage Project
The Balsam Meadow Pumped-Storage Project for the Southern California Edison Company is located in the Sierra Nevada Mountains approximately 55 miles northeast of Fresno, California. The...

The Bath County Pumped Storage Project
Virginia Power and the Allegheny Power System will introduce an important new peaking power service in late 1985, when the first unit of the Bath County Pumped Storage Station becomes...

Main Canal Headworks Hydroelectric Project
This project is being installed at the Dry Falls Dam, Coulee City, Washington, adjacent to the Main Canal Headworks which controls the irrigation releases to the Columbia Basin Project....

Genesis of a Federal/Non-Federal Planning Study
This paper presents the course of action the Bureau of Reclamation undertook to develop an appropriate joint Federal/non-Federal planning process for a major pumped storage project. It...

Innovative Approach to New Water Supply/Power Development
Since the first deliveries made by the State Water Project (SWP) in the early 1960's the State of California has become known worldwide as a pioneer in the development of...

Piedra Del Aguila�New Hydropower for Argentina
Construction commenced in early 1985 on the 1. 0 billion Piedra del Aguila Hydroelectric Project on the Rio Limay about 1200 km (750 mi) southwest of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The project...

Evaluation of a Pump-Storage Hydropower Facility
This paper summarizes the findings of the evaluations conducted by faculty of the University of Missouri and outside consultants regarding the downstream effects of Harry S. Truman Dam...

Prospects for Hydroelectric Power Development at Corps of Engineer Dams
There are two basic approaches to developing hydroelectric power facilities at Corps dams. The Corps can develop projects at the request of Congress through the authorization process....

The Pacific Northwest Hydropower Data Base Study
The Hydropower Data Base is presently a functional tool for evaluating hydropower in the Northwest. It is a complete system which has been implemented using a variety of crosschecks and...

Phased Pumped Storage Planning and Site Evaluation
A phase process of site evaluation provides for an efficient use of resources while supporting the necessary level of detailed investigation. This paper describes the phased siting process...





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