National Perspectives and Policy on Nonpoint Sources of Water Pollution
The paper presents the perspective of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on the title subject. It makes the point that while EPA continues to implement the major point source efforts...

An Integrated Conceptual Expert System for Flood and Water Pollution Management
One particularly practical role for an expert system (ES) is as an interface between a complex computer model and an inexperienced user or novice. The software is applied to the USEPA...

Incorporating Judgment into an Optimization Model of a Wastewater Treatment System
The use of design variable constraints according to textbook and state design standards might cause potentially good designs to be missed and would not capture the fuzzy interaction of...

Expert Systems in Reservoir Management and Planning
Recent advances in artificial intelligence techniques have created a mechanism for incorporating empirical knowledge into algorithmic reservoir planning and management models. The authors'...

Expert Pattern Recognition for Pollution Source Identification
This paper presents an approach for developing an Expert System to aid the identification of locations and magnitudes of a finite number of groundwater pollution sources. A pattern recognition...

Flood Risk Below Steep Mountain Slopes
Alluvial fans spread at approximately the critical hydraulic slope below apexes at canyon mouths. Periodic torrents that rage out of the canyons are devastating at the apex and have diminishing...

Responsibility/Liability Related to Mudflows/Debris Flows
The combined experiences of the authors during the past few decades indicate that many of the problems and losses related to damage from floods, landslides, mud/debris flows, and water-related...

Artificial Recharge for Managing the Great Salt Lake
During the past three years, precipitation amounts throughout the drainage basin have significantly exceeded normal values. The resulting record breaking inflow volumes and lower than...

Recovery of Freshwater Stored in Saline Aquifers in Peninsular Florida
Subsurface freshwater storage has been operationally tested at seven sites in central and south Florida. Injection was into a high chloride water aquifer at six sites, and into a high...

Conjunctive Use and Managed Groundwater Recharge: Engineering and Politics in Arid Lands
In regions with alluvial groundwater basins, increasing consumer demands for water, irregular surface water flows, and high evapotranspiration rates, managed recharge and long-term conjunctive...

America's National Forests: Our Ultimate Water Source
National Forest System lands in the western United States make up 21 percent of the total land area but yield over 55 percent of the region's streamflow and provide more than...

Small Hydro is Very Rarely Typical
Engineering design of a small hydro project is often considered to be straightforward. Many potential developers assume that the engineering effort can be reduced to 'typical'...

Diamond Fork Hydroelectric Power Development
The Strawberry Valley Project was conceived in the early 1890s as an irrigation project to supply a maximum of 635 cfs of water from the Strawberry Reservoir through a 3. 8-mile-long tunnel...

Hydropower on the Arkansas?A Non-Federal Development
Only two of the eleven navigation locks and dams in Arkansas were initially constructed with hydropower facilities. In 1980, Arkansas Electric Cooperative Corporation (AECC) filed preliminary...

Water Management of the Snowy Mountains Scheme Australia
The Snowy Mountains Scheme in south-eastern Australia provides a classic example of Water Resources Planning and Management on a National scale. The Scheme provides mainly peak electricity...

River Basin Network Model for Conjunctive Use of Surface and Groundwater
A generalized river basin computer model called CONSIM is presented for management of the conjunctive use of surface and subsurface storage in an interconnected stream-aquifer system....

Modeling an Alluvial Aquifer with Flood Irrigation
Interaction between an unconfined alluvial aquifer, recharged by flood irrigation, and the associated stream system in a glacial outwash area of Wyoming was studied. The United States...

Simultaneous Pumping from Layered Ground Water
Laboratory experiments with a Hele-Shaw model and a sand model, and an approximate mathematical analysis using finite elements and the computer, have demonstrated that fresh water can...

Surface Water Analysis for Ground Water Simulation
The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) has applied a hydrologic-economic modeling (HEM) system to the analysis of ground water use in the San Joaquin Valley. An important component...

Simple Removal and Recovery of Irrigation Drainage Salts
This paper reports on preliminary tests of an alternative for simple removal and recovery of irrigation drainage salt. Using a novel system for evaporating waters from capillary surfaces,...





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