Selecting an Economical Water Main Rehab
Many miles of aging water mains exist with carrying capacities that are less than half of what they were when new. Engineers must, therefore, stretch every dollar to eliminate deposits...

Thalweg Disposal: Demonstration of an Alternative
Disposal of dredged material in the main channel, or thalweg, is an alternative disposal option for maintenance dredging. The material dredged from the Upper Mississippi River is clean...

Management Plan for Dredged Maintenance Material
The Mobile District Corps of Engineers is responsible for the maintenance of an authorized Federal deep-draft navigation project at Pascagoula Harbor, Mississippi. The development of the...

Land Application of Dredged Material at Port Manatee
Maintenance dredging of approximately 600,000 cu yd of highly plastic clay was conducted in October 1983. This material was deposited on a nearly 200 acre tract of farmland in a depth...

Long-Term Planning for Dredged Material Disposal
The dredged material produced from maintenance of the channel in Upper Mobile Harbor (UMH) is disposed into confined upland disposal areas provided by the project's local...

Long-Term Maintenance Dredging Permits - Florida's New Approach to Regulation
Previous approaches to regulating maintenance dredging activities in Florida generally have been myopic and failed to gather information that adequately reflects the needs for environmental...

Agricultural Crop Production and Quality Effects when Soils are Amended with Dredged Lake Sediments
Lake renewal achieved by pumping loose sediment from the lake bottom requires a disposal area for that sediment and the associated water. Application of this sediment to agricultural land,...

Impacts of an Overboard Disposal Operation
The objective of this study was to establish an acceptable dredge disposal site which would be physically and environmentally suitable for periodic use over the 50-year project life of...

Wetland Creation in Baltimore Harbor
Three areas of Baltimore Harbor were examined for use as wetland sites by Interstate Division for Baltimore City. Each site presented unique and interesting challenges to design. Economic...

Tampa Harbor Florida Deepening Project
Tampa Harbor is one of the largest dredging projects ever undertaken by the Corps of Engineers. The major features of the deepening project which presented the greatest problems were the...

Management Strategy for Disposal of Dredged Material
The diversity of disposal alternatives and techniques for management of contaminated dredged material requires the development of an overall management strategy for disposal. The selection...

REMOTS Sediment Profiling at the Field Verification Program
Disposal of uncapped highly polluted Black Rock Harbor muds took place in April-May 1983 at a buoy located within the Central Long Island Sound Disposal Area in 62-66 feet of water. Baseline...

Marsh Creation Impacts - Mississippi River Delta
Significant conversion of marsh to open water is occurring in the Mississippi River Delta. Evidence is presented that marsh is more valuable to fish and wildlife resources than open water;...

Planning and Management of Disposal Areas
Passage of the Clean Water Act of 1977 required federal agencies to obtain either water quality certification or a waiver from the state for the discharge of dredged or fill material into...

The Maryland Dredge and Fill Permit Process Handbook
Safe navigation in the waters of the State of Maryland is made possible, in part, by the continued maintenance dredging of the State's many ports and waterways. Dredging projects...

Water Quality Management Techniques for Reservoirs
The curtailment of nutrient, organic matter, and sediment loads to reservoirs is a direct means for improving water quality. However, the recycling of nutrients and/or the failure to sufficiently...

Need for Long-Term Planning for Dredged Material Containment
The biological, chemical and physical integrity of our nations waters are protected, in part, by the provisions of the Clean Water Act. This Act provided for the development of guidelines...

Surface Runoff Water Quality from Contaminated Dredged Material Placed Upland
Bioassay and associated tests have been developed and are being refined to assist in the evaluation of the environmental impact of dredged material disposal alternatives. Simulated rainfall-surface...

Evaluating the Water Quality Significance of Dredged Sediments
In the mid-1970s, the Corps of Engineers and the US EPA developed several laboratory evaluation procedures, the elutriate test, bioassay/toxicity tests, and bioconcentration tests, to...

Seasonal Restrictions on Bucket Dredging Operations
Seasonal restrictions are sometimes imposed on bucket dredging operations in response to concerns for potential impacts of sediment resuspension on various biological resources. The available...





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