Relocating Erosion-Threatened Buildings?A Study of North Carolina Housemoving
Relocation moves the existing building if it becomes threatened by erosion. Each option has its own tradeoffs - advantages and disadvantages, that should be evaluated for the particular...
Historical Shoreline Position Change for the Mainland Beach in Harrison County, Mississippi
Historical shoreline position change (1851/52 to 1986) associated with the mainland beach in Harrison County, Mississippi, are controlled by engineering activities associated with beach...
Dock Master Planning in Coastal South Carolina
The rising population of coastal South Carolina has lead to an increasing demand for water access structures such as private docks. In order to comprehensively review the impacts of large...
The Coast in Japanese Literature
As an island nation, Japan has a long coastline and is surrounded on all sides by the sea. These geographic characteristics have been reflected in many forms in Japanese culture. In this...
Resource Extraction Activities in the Coastal Zone?The Impact of Offshore Oil Production on Coastal Communities
There are few studies that examine the impact of offshore oil extraction on social problems, educational attainment and economic health of communities. The results of this study demonstrate...
Myths, Models and Managers of Marine Resources
This paper argues that the assumptions of scientific models are often accepted without verification. Examining the use of Hardin's tragedy of the commons model in the management of marine...
A Guide for Controlling Agricultural Nonpoint Source Sediment Loads: Where to Treat?
The authors present a simplified guide to decide where to expend money and efforts to reduce sediment loads that cause water quality problems. This guide is intended for resource managers...
Dealing with TMDLs in the Dairy-McKay HUA
The maximum phosphorus concentration for the TMDL in the Tualatin River is set by Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) at 0.07 mg/1, Dairy-McKay Creek is 0.045 mg/1 Identification of potential...
An Ongoing Field Study to Evaluate the Impacts and Direct Effects of Offshore Dreding Activities on Benthic Organisms
Instrumentation and sampling involve box coring, otter trawling, the use of a towed sled carrying video camera, and a sidescan sonar device. The baseline collection phase of the study...
T. L. James Marine Group Beach Nourishment Projects
To complete the referred to projects as used the highly maneuverable, 1,300 cubic-yard-capacity hopper dredges ATCHAFALAYA and MERMENTAU, both of which are self-propelled, split-hopper,...
The Dredging Research Program of the US Army Corps of Engineers
The Corps of Engineers Dredging Research Program (DRP) was established in Fiscal Year 1988 as a seven-year program with the objective of developing products that reduce the cost of dredging...
United States National Marine Fisheries Service Role/Contribution in Restoring Coastal Habitats Under the Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection, and Restoration ACt of 1990
The agency has assembled a diverse team from government, academia, the private sector, and its program staff within the region to develop specific guidelines for identifying and evaluating...
Spilling Oil for the Environment
In a misdirected effort to make our coastal waters safe from oil spills, Congress has needlessly increased the risk. In fact, it has all but ensured that oil spills will happen with increasing...
Oil Spill Contingency Planning?Public Participation Through the Coastal Zone Management Process
After the Exxon Valdez tanker ran aground in Alaska on March 24, 1989, spilling over ten million gallons of crude oil into the waters of Prince William Sound, attention focused on the...
Strategies for Estuarine Management: Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve
In 1990, FDNR initiated the development of a strategic plan that identified significant resource threats to the Rookery bay estuary, and five primary resource management strategies in...
The Mullica River?Great Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve: A Unique Opportunity for Research, Preservation, and Management
The NOAA program on National Estuarine Research Reserves (NERR) has developed to encompass 21 locations, each dedicated to the development and operation of an estuarine area as a natural...
A Watershed Approach to Coastal Zone Management for the Elkhorn Slough Estuarine Complex
The goal of establishing a scientifically-based, watershed planning and resource management framework for Elkhorn Slough in Monterey County, California has been an on-going effort for...
The Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve Management Plan?A Model for Other Estuarine Reserves and a Mechanism for Improved Coastal Resources Policy
This paper describes the management plan for the Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve, an approximately 1600-acre site along the southern Maine coast. With the assistance of planning...
A First Look Back at the San Francisco Estuary Project
This paper presents an initial retrospective look at the San Francisco Estuary Project (SFEP) from the standpoint of the senior author, who was involved in the project as a consulting...
An Interagency Approach to Beneficial Uses of Dredged Material
Environmental considerations resulted in the development and planned implementation of environmentally beneficial dredged material disposal in connection with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers'...
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