Critical Buckling Load Statistics of an Uncertain Column
The objective of this paper is to examine the statistics of the buckling load of a column with uncertain material properties. The elastic modulus is assumed to be a random process that...

Bridge Overloading Criteria
Considerable concern is being expressed by the public and government agencies over the deteriorating state of the country's infrastructure. At the same time, there is a general feedling...

A Multiple Presence Load Model for Bridges
This paper utilises weigh-in-motion data to simulate multi-lane traffic crossing short span multiple-lane bridges. In this manner the reduction factors for a multiple lane bridge are derived....

Live Load Models Based on WIM Data
The objective of the paper is to present the results of weigh-in-motion (WIM) measurements carried out in Michigan. Selected bridges were instrumented and truck weights and axle configurations...

Environmental Impacts of Agricultural Drainage
Research has shown that improved drainage increases peak runoff rates and pollutant loads compared to natural conditions. However improved drainage on agricultural lands may reduce outflow...

Design of Transient and Steady State Drain Spacing
Drain spacings calculated by steady state or transient equations can be made equal by adjusting the design water table height used in the equations. The adjustments are not constant and...

Pile Lateral Load Test in the Port of Los Angeles
Recent wharf projects in West Coast ports have featured rock dikes to contain backland fill and the use of vertical piles embedded in the rock dikes to resist lateral loads. This paper...

Seismic Rehabilitation of Seattle's Pier 69
The Port of Seattle, one of the largest on the west coast of North America, made a strong statement regarding their support for reusing existing structures when a decision was made to...

Pre-Compression of Concrete Breasting Dolphins Solves Construction Problem
A roll-on/roll-off ferry terminal was built in Quincy, Massachusetts in 1989 as part of a marine transportation system to support construction of the sewage treatment facilities proposed...

Bulk Commodity Terminals?Planning for the Future Competitive and Environmental Challenges
The demand upon all industries for better protection of the environment is increasing and the regulations and permit requirements are changing rapidly. Bulk commodity terminal operators...

Floating or Fixed Dock for RO/RO Ship Operations
Floating pontoon-type dock structures are typically used for RO/RO ship berthing. Primary advantage of a floating dock for RO/RO berthing is the relatively constant height relationship...

Model Tests for Expansion of Anaheim Bay Naval Harbor
Modifications to the Anaheim Bay, California, Harbor complex have been proposed to enable larger ships to access the existing wharf for direct loading of ordnance. In addition, new deepwater...

Loading of Nutrients to Groundwater From High Source Areas During the Winter Period
Nutrient loading to surface, subsurface and groundwater in agricultural areas is the focus of control programs throughout the United States. In certain cases, high source areas can be...

Modeling Nutrient Loadings from Croplands in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
The Chesapeake Bay Watershed Model, based on the U.S. EPA Hydrologic Simulation Program Fortran (HSPF) provides a framework for evaluating and quantifying nutrient loadings to the Chesapeake...

Advancing Anchorage Technology
An overview of earth anchorage technology, with emphasis on current U.S. corrosion protection practice as compared to that used in Europe. Comments from U.S. practitioners involved in...

A More Rational Approach to Pavements
It is the intent of this paper to demonstrate how purely probabilistic arguments can be used to formulate a rational (phenomenonological) model of the particulate media that comprise pavement...

Experimental Investigation of Self-Tapping Fasteners for Attachment of Corrugated Cladding Panels to Pultruded Fiber-Reinforced Plastics Beams in Industrial Building Construction
This paper describes an experimental investigation of self-tapping fasteners for the attachment of corrugated fiber-reinforced plastics (FRP) cladding panels to pultruded FRP beams. Although...

Investigation of the Behavior of Reinforced Plastic Columns with Concrete Core
This paper describes an experimental investigation into the behavior of reinforced plastic columns with tubular (hollow) sections. The columns were pultruded and had a cross-section which...

The Crown and the Curtain Wall
Crowning the complex curtainwall of an 870 ft concrete tower with a 150 ft high crown of aluminum masts in concentric rings above the 60th floor required ingenuity and extraordinary cooperation...

Seismic Hazards in the Eastern U.S. and the Impact on Transportation Lifelines
In the eastern US seismicity is low, hazard is moderate, and risk is quite high, especially in metropolitan regions with vulnerable transportation systems typically not designed to resist...





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