Physical Modeling of Contracted Flow
Experiments on steady flow over uniform grass roughness through centered single-opening contractions were conducted in the Flood Plain Simulation Facility at the U. S. Geological Survey's...

Parking Lot Drainage Design: Gainesville, Florida
The construction of a 10-acre (4. 05 ha) parking facility (1,000-car capacity) at the University of Florida during 1984 presented the potential for increasing downstream flooding and for...

Nontidal Exchange Processes at the Chesapeake Bay Entrance
Magnitudes of gravitational and meteorologically-driven exchange at the entrance to the Chesapeake Bay are compared using current measurements, numerical model runs and subtidal volume...

Multiple Presence Reduction Factors for Bridges
This paper reviews the multiple presence reduction factors specified in the AASHTO and Ontario codes, and provides a method by which these factors can be established in relation to volume...

Fishing the Four-Lane
Recent changes in one Montana canyon have shown that even highways and freshwater fish can happily coexist with the proper planning. Twenty years ago, the Montana Department of Highways...

Applications of an Integrated Traffic Analysis Package
This paper presents an integrated traffic analysis package called AAP (the Arterial Analysis Package). AAP, which was developed by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), contains three...

Comparison of TRC 212 and SR 209 LOS Calculations
With the release in 1985 of Transportation Research Board (TRB) Special Report (SR) 209, numerous traffic engineering agencies began the transition to new methods of calculating capacity...

Considerations in Applying the 1985 HCM Procedures
The paper examines the impact of critical assumptions in the 1985 Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) procedures on the resulting measures of effectiveness -- volume/capacity ratio, delay, and...

Modeling Permissive Movements in TRANSYT-7F
Traffic Network Study Tool (TRANSYT-7F) is one of the most widely used traffic flow analysis and traffic signal timing optimization models in the United States and elsewhere. Through 'Release...

Modeling Dual-Ring Actuated Signals with TRANSYT-7F
Current and potential future methods of using the TRANSYT-7F computer program to model dual-ring actuated traffic signals are discussed. First the problems encountered in using this fixed-time...

Integrated Information System for Traffic Control Device Management
Traffic engineers and planners have the day-to-day responsibility to maintain the safety and operational efficiency of streets and highways in their jurisdictions. Managing traffic control...

An Adaptive Control Strategy for Signalized Intersections
This paper presents a microprocessor-based computational strategy for real-time demand-responsive traffic signal control. The strategy, termed OPAC (Optimization Policy for Adaptive Control),...

Intelligent User Interface for Network Signal Optimization Programs
This paper presents the design philosophy and program intelligence used in EZ-TRANSYT and EZ-SIGOP, powerful multi-window input data managers for TRANSYT-7F and SIGOP-III, respectively....

SIDRA?An Australian Program for Signalised Intersection Analysis
As more complicated signal phasing systems have been implemented in practice, the analysis methods have moved from a phase-control philosophy applied to approach roads to a group-control...

Estimating Future Traffic Volumes at the Intersection Level
This paper uses the experience gained on a number of regional and sub-area studies in the northeast to illustrate how measured and forecast traffic information can be combined to predict...

Activity Center Development Impact Analysis
A flexible microcomputer spreadsheet analysis method is described for analyzing area-wide and localized impacts of new development in urban or suburban activity centers. The analysis approach...

GTRAF: The Netsim Graphics System
This paper describes the development of an interactive computer graphics (ICG) system, named GTRAF, which will provide users with a new and highly efficient methodology for analyzing results...

Development of Graphics Displays for the Integrated Traffic Data System
This paper describes the development of interactive graphics displays for the Integrated Traffic Data System (ITDS) and provides technical details on the hardware and software considerations...

Spreadsheet-Based Queuing Models
This paper describes how microcomputer-based spreadsheet programs, such as Lotus 1-2-3, can be used to implement queuing models of varying levels of sophistication for use in traffic analyses....

Freeway Analysis Using A Micro Version of FREQ
FREQ8PE is a freeway corridor simulation model. It is a batch processing mainframe program written in ASCII FORTRAN IV, which performs three basic functions: simulate freeway queueing,...





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