Sanitary Sewer System Modeling Model Comparison Racine, Wisconsin
As the use of computers continues to increase within the engineering profession, hydraulic computer models are used to simulate major interceptors and sometimes the entire sewer system....

A GIS Sewer Database for a University Campus
The development of a geographic information system (GIS) based sewer network database for the Purdue University campus in West Lafayette, Indiana, is discussed in this paper. The database,...

Non-Federal Flood Control Works Inspection Program
This paper presents a general description of the Non-Federal FCW Inspection Program and results obtained from the evaluations already completed. A discussion of the GIS package for data...

Testing and Effectiveness of a New Urban BMP Stormceptor?*
Stormwater management for water quality control, pollution prevention and pretreatment can be a difficult problem for the development design professional, a costly and time consuming problem...

Flood Control Studies for Arizona Communities
Severe flooding in the winter of 1992/1993 produced severe flooding across the State of Arizona. Damages were widespread and significant. Total public and private damages are estimated...

Evaluation of System Downstream Control
System downstream control (SDC) has been developed to optimally and automaticaly control canal systems. The objective of system downstream control is to maintain a reference water depth...

Flood Control in the Brazilian Electric System Reservoirs at Parana River Basin
This paper describes the experience of the Brazilian Electric System in flood control at Parana River basin, and presents the factors that required the consideration of flood impacts in...

Engineering Aspects of Wetland Mitigation
Wetland mitigation demands a multi-disciplinary engineering approach, and a systematic collection, evaluation and analysis of data. The design of a constructed wetland addresses these...

Emergency Repair of an Ocean Outfall
The County Sanitation Districts of Orange County (Districts) provide wastewater collection, treatment and disposal services for more than 2 million people in metropolitan Orange County....

The South Bay Ocean Outfall
For more than 60 years, raw sewage has flowed down the hills of Tijuana, Mexico into the Tijuana River, crossing the U.S.-Mexican border. The sewage contaminates the low-lying river valley...

Biological Serendipity from an Ocean Outfall Maintenance Inspection
A large deep-water ocean outfall discharging ?880 x 106 liters day (230 million gallons day of treated wastewater effluent was inspected with a one-man...

External Inspection of an Ocean Outfall
In October and December, 1994, an external inspection was performed on the County Sanitation Districts of Orange County's (Districts) ocean outfall. This presentation describes...

Direct Sizing of Small Stormwater Pump Stations
Pump stations are components of stormwater drainage systems that remove collected storm runoff from locations where drainage by gravity is not feasible. Usually pump stations will operate...

Development of the San Joaquin County Hydrology Manual
A hydrology manual was prepared for the County of San Joaquin, California for the determination of storm runoff quantities for the design of flood management facilities, floodplain analysis,...

Sediment Impacts on Yield from a Two-Reservoir System in Puerto Rico
The Dos Bocas and Caonillas reservoirs in Puerto Rico are being considered for conversion from hydroelectric to water supply operation. Both reservoirs are approximately 50 years old and...

US/Mexico Border Drinking Water Study
This report is an outgrowth of a more detailed report, written as part of an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) study. This report represents my views, and does not necessarily represent...

Emerging Concepts for Management of Salinity and Drainage in Irrigated Regions
The purpose of this paper is to very briefly highlight some physical and design concepts important to management of salinity and drainage in irrigated regions in an environmentally sensitive...

Shallow Ground Water Management with a Modified Subsurface Drainage System
An existing subsurface drainage system was modified to control the flow from the drain laterals and to control the water table depth on a portion of the field. Tomatoes and cotton have...

Efficiencies of Drainage Systems and Improved Water Management
Drainage of agricultural lands has become a contentious issue as concern increases over the actual economic benefits of subsurface drainage in irrigated regions relative to the impacts...

Modeling Groundwater Contaminant by Unstructured FVM
This study focuses on the numerical solution of the integral form of transport equation on unstructured grids. The algorithm is developed in direct finite volume concept and constructed...





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