What Will be the Engineered Barriers for Deep Disposal of High Level Radioactive Wastes in the Future?
Two sealing approaches are currently being developed in France for deep geological disposal of high-level wastes. One is based on the use of swelling clay in order to restore the initial...

The Analysis of Horizontal Cooling Enhancement for Nuclear Waste Container Emplacement
This paper presents a novel method for distributing the heat generated by waste containers emplaced in the proposed high-level nuclear waste site at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. The method...

Optimization Method for Dimensioning a Geological HLW Waste Repository
This method was developed by the CEA to optimize the dimensions of a geological repository by taking account of technical and economic parameters. It involves optimizing radioactive waste...

Defining the Need for and Functions of the Monitored Retrievable Storage (MRS) Facility
A series of system studies of the Civilian Radioactive Waste Management System were conducted by the Department of Energy (DOE) to determine the role for a Monitored Retrievable Waste...

Facility Interface Capability Assessment (FICA) Project
The U.S. Department of Energy-Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management (DOE-OCRWM) is sponsoring the Facility Interface Capability Assessment Project to determine current and potential...

Acceptance of Spent Fuel of Varying Characteristics
This paper is a preliminary overview of a study with the primary objective of establishing a set of acceptance selection criteria and corresponding spent fuel characteristics to be incorporated...

Experience with Certifying Borated Stainless Steel as a Shipping Cask Basket Material
The original cask designs for a cask demonstration project featured fuel baskets constructed of borated stainless steel (bss) as a structural material. The project is intended to demonstrate...

High Level Radioactive Waste Management at the Savannah River Site
This paper describes the High Level Radioactive Waste (HLW) generated at the Savannah River Site (SRS), outlines how it has been managed over the 35 years since site operations began,...

Programmatic Challenges and the Value of Testing on the West Valley Demonstration Project's Vitrification Facility Design
The primary objective of the West Valley Demonstration Project (WVDP) is the solidification of approximately 2.1 million liters (560 thousand gallons) of high-level waste (HLW) which resulted...

Combined Analytical/Numerical Approaches to Solving Fluid Flow Problems in the Unsaturated Zone at Yucca Mountain
Various analytical and numerical approaches are presented for the study of unsaturated flow processes in the vicinity of the Yucca Mountain, Nevada, the proposed site of an underground...

Prototype Testing for the Yucca Mountain Project
The U.S. Department of Energy, through its Yucca Mountain Project Office (YMPO), has been conducting prototype activities in welded and non-welded tuff. These activities are in preparation...

Prototype Heater Test of the Environment Around a Simulated Waste Package
This paper presents selected results obtained during the 301 day duration of the Prototype Engineered Barrier System Field Test (PEBSFT) performed in G-Tunnel within the Nevada Test Site....

Application of Geophysical Methods for Fracture Characterization
One of the most crucial needs in the design and implementation of an underground waste isolation facility is a reliable method for the detection and characterization of fractures in zones...

The Application of Vertical Seismic Profiling and Cross-Hole Tomographic Imaging for Fracture Characterization at Yucca Mountain
In order to obtain the necessary characterization for the storage of nuclear waste, much higher resolution of the features likely to affect the transport of radionuclides will be required...

Modeling of Coupled Heat-Mass-Stress Effects in Geologic Media
To investigate the importance of coupled hydraulic-thermal-mechanical processes for the potential nuclear waste storage repository at the Yucca Mountain, a computer code is being developed....

Sellafield?From High Level Notoriety to Intermediate Acceptance
After a highly publicised accident at Sellafield, involving radioactive pollution, a period of continuous adverse media coverage eroded public confidence in the plant and its operators,...

Two Citizen Task Forces and the Challenge of the Evolving Nuclear Waste Siting Process
Siting any nuclear waste facility is problematic in today's climate of distrust toward nuclear agencies and fear of nuclear waste. This study compares and contrasts the siting...

Public Attitudes Toward a High-Level Nuclear Repository: Implications on the Prospects of Successful Siting
Recent legislation enacted by the State of Nevada makes it illegal to store high-level nuclear waste (HLNW) within state, posing a serious threat to the federal government's...

Spent Fuel and High-Level Waste Management in Selected Countries: Trends and Issues
This paper contains descriptions of the major parameters and plans for management of spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive wastes in Belgium, Canada, France, the Federal Republic...

Spent Fuel Storage Requirements for Nuclear Utilities and OCRWM
Projected spent fuel generation at U.S. power reactors exceeds estimated aggregate pool storage capacity by approximately 30,000 metric tons of uranium (MTU). Based on the current repository...





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