Ocean Energy Activities in China
The ocean energy will perform an important action to compensate for energy consumption. In China tidal energy was utilized early, building tidal power plants began from the nineteen fifties....

Ocean Energy Activities in Europe
This paper reviews European research and development in wave energy, ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC), and ocean tidal power. For each technology, a country-by-country summary (in...

Field Verification Experiment of a Wave Power Extracting Caisson Breakwater
The Ministry of Transport in Japan is conducting a field verification experiment of a wave power converter with a vertical breakwater called the wave power extracting caisson breakwater....

Experimental Research and Parameters Optimization of a Prototype OWC Wave Power Device
The paper presents the experimental research and parameters optimization of a prototype oscillating water column (OWC) wave power device being built in China by Guangzhou Institute of...

Study on Pneumatic Wave Power Conversion System with the Water Valve Rectifier
We experimentally and theoretically studied the energy conversion characteristics on a new type of wave power conversion system with water valves. The hydraulic model experiment was performed...

Optimal Depth for Nearshore Wave Power Extractors of Fixed Type
An approach to find the water depth which brings the minimum cost of energy extracted with the wave power extractors of nearshore fixed type is proposed. A case study with Pendulor wave...

Theoretical Study on Capture Chamber with Lateral Entrance
A capture chamber with lateral entrance can be used in a pneumatic wave energy conversion system. In this paper, the output power coefficients of the capture chamber have been calculated...

Research and Development of Wave Pump
A new device, 'Wave Pump' is introduced here. The authors present the mechanism of the system, the analytical method for discharge rate, the hydraulic model test...

Water Power Resource Investigations in New Zealand
The New Zealand wave resource is dominated by strong uniform swell incident on its western and southern coasts. Electricorp Production has funded the deployment of a wave rider buoy off...

Wave Power Development in Taiwan
The feasibility study of wave power development in Taiwan was performed in two phases. The first phase included the calculation and assessment of the available wave energy along the coasts...

Progress of Floating Type Wave Power Generator
A floating type wave power generator was improved. It is a Backward Bent Duct Buoy (BBDB) which has an air chamber duct which is bent backwards. It is capable of increasing the peak conversion...

Planning a Full Scale Wave Power Conversion Test 1988-1989
The paper describes the design of the wave power converter and the principal of working. The results from a tank test on a scale model are presented with the main emphasis on design loads...

Double-OWC Wave Power Extractor of a Taut Moored Floating Structure
A double oscillating water column is proposed as a means to improve the efficiency of wave power conversion over a wide range of wave periods in deep water. A mathematical model of the...

Use of Scrap Tires to Harness Wave Energy
A 2.5 meter diameter wave powered pump, fabricated from scrap tires was tested from May 24, 1988 to October 1988 in the Atlantic Ocean at the North Carolina Army Corp of Engineers Waterways...

Estimation of Wave Power as an Energy Resource for Hawaii
One of the most important elements in determining the wave power available by means of a wave power extracting device is the amount of wave energy present at a given location during a...

Reliability Assessment of Wood Components
Considerable progress has been made in the nondestructive evaluation (NDE) of wood components since the introduction of the first concepts more than twenty-five years ago. New stress wave...

Probabilistic Prediction of Losses to Lifeline Systems Due to Earthquakes
An efficient and practical method for earthquake loss estimation for lifelines is developed, using the recent advances made in the areas of lifeline earthquake engineering and probabilistic...

NDE for Performance of Wood Structures
Significant economic losses result annually due to deterioration and failure of structural wood components. A high percentage of these losses result from our current inability to assess...

Unsteady Aeroelastic Base Moments on a High-Rise Building
To consider aeroelastic instabilities of prismatic structures in winds, i.e., vortex induced vibrations or galloping oscillations, unsteady aeroelastic forces must be investigated as the...

Location of Geologic Discontinuities by Geophysical Techniques
An overview of the seismic refraction method and resistivity methods is given. These two geophysical techniques are integrated into a systematic method for locating geologic discontinuities...





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