Lubrication Theory Analysis of the Permeability of Rough-Walled Fractures
Lubrication theory is used to study the permeability of rough-walled rock fractures. Two idealized models of a fracture, in which the roughness follows a sinusoidal or a sawtooth variation,...

Modelling of Hydro-Thermo-Mechanical Effects in a Fracture Intersecting a Nuclear Waste Deposition Hole
The groundwater flow in a vertical fracture intersecting a hypothetical nuclear waste deposition hole was examined. After excavation and emplacement of the nuclear waste canister, the...

Process and Criteria for Valuation of the Ground-Water Flow Models in the OECD/NEA International Stripa Project
In 1986, the Site Characterization and Validation (SCV) Program was initiated as part of Phase III of the OECD/NEA International Stripa Project. The principal intent of the SCV Program...

Demonstration of a Repository Performance Assessment Capability at the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
In order to better review licensing submittals for a High-Level Waste Repository, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff has expanded and improved its capability to conduct performance...

Performance Assessment Calculational Exercises (PACE-90): Overview and Summary
PACE-90 was undertaken by the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project in order to develop expertise in computational capabilities and to aid in identification of critical elements...

Location and Assessment of Groundwater Discharge
Methods have been developed for locating and measuring groundwater discharges, which are often obscured by the presence of overlying surface water. A sediment probe, towed behind a moving...

An Empirical Data Base for the Investigation of Earthquake-Related Changes in Crustal Hydrology
Both fracture permeability and fluid flow velocity can alter as a result of sudden strain changes associated with earthquake fault rupture. Testing the hydrological signatures of numerous...

The Shaft Excavation Effect Experiment
The Shaft Excavation Effect (SEE) experiment has been carried out by Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation (PNC). Corresponding to this experiment, an evaluation system...

Two Double Porosity Models for Groundwater Radioactive Contamination
This paper describes two models for groundwater radioactive contamination in a naturally fractured rock. The first one for a saturated rock and the other one for an unsaturated rock. Numerical...

An Analysis of Buffering in Bentonite-Groundwater Systems
Chemical buffering by bentonite can potentially simplify assessments of the performance of engineered barriers to radionuclide migration by decoupling near-field and far-field geochemical...

Isotopic Discontinuities in Ground Water Beneath Yucca Mountain, Nevada
Analytical data for stable isotopes in ground water from beneath Yucca Mountain, when examined in map view, show areal patterns of heterogeneity that can be interpreted in terms of mixing...

Characterization Uncertainty and its Effects on Models and Performance
Geostatistical simulation is being used to develop multiple geologic models of rock properties at the proposed Yucca Mountain repository site. Because each replicate model contains the...

A Decision Support System for Performance-Based Site Characterization
The complex and dynamic requirements of site characterization present a major management challenge. ParaTrac, a regulatory and technical information system, is described as a valuable...

Site-Generic Approach for Performance Assessment of HLW Disposal System in Japan
This paper presents an overview of the preliminary performance analyses and description of R&D activities designed based upon the results of the analyses, which are to be incorporated...

Analysis of Thermal Scanning Imagery to Investigate Point Inflows Into Surface Water Bodies
Using a modified technique of thermal infrared remote sensing, physical sampling, and data analysis (graphical and geostatistical) locating a small inflow to a lake was possible. Thermal...

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing?A Guide for Parameter Development in Water Resources and Environmental Modelling
Development in both software and hardware engineering in the last decade has resulted in the proliferation of GIS and remote sensing packages. While computer-based packages have experienced...

Flood Plain Management Integrating GIS and HEC-2
Little has been done over the years to either automate the more labour intensive activities involved in flood plain management or to increase the efficiency and accuracy of handling applications...

California's Orange County Water District A Model for Comprehensive Water Resources Management
The Orange County Water District in Southern California has developed over several decades a water resources management program that incorporates innovative control strategies, proven...

Compaq Center East Water Management Plan
This Water Management Plan attempts to balance the many goals which were established in the Master Plan. Major areas of natural vegetation have been preserved. Stormwater quality pond/wetland...

The Chesapeake Bay Critical Area Protection Program and the Baltimore Central Light Rail Line
This paper discusses Maryland's Critical Area Law, statewide guidelines and criteria, the Baltimore Central Light Rail Line, resource conservation areas, and other aspects...





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