Pricing Policy for Water Services
Prices and pricing strategies are described in terms of their functions and revenue objectives applicable to water services. Ten pricing objectives are defined in terms of how the objective...

Water Pricing to Achieve Efficient Allocation Among Competing Users
In many areas of the country experiencing drought or limited water availability, efficient water pricing offers the best conservation and allocation strategy. This paper analyzes the use...

A Conceptual Basis for Developing Model State Water Codes
The crafting of model state water codes must proceed out of the recognition that there are two prevailing philosophies under which resources are allocated. These contrasting systems both...

Development of a Model Water Code for a Riparian-Doctrine State
Model water codes typically are developed for implementation through an administrative water-use permitting program. In order to adopt a model code in this form, a riparian-doctrine state...

Preparing a Model Water Code: Reform or Restatement?
In preparing a model state water code, there is tension between (1) advocating sweeping water law reform, and (2) merely eliminating overlapping code coverages, filling gaps, updating...

Your Role in the Model State Water Code Project
The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Model State Water Code Project is very ambitious. The Task Committee (TC) to Establish a Model State Water Code and the Water Laws Committee...

Drainage Design Criteria: Too Restricted? Too Broad? Too Outdated?
Should drainage design policies be more flexible, leaving the field more open to engineering judgment? Are some policies too loose or broad? Should design criteria more closely reflect...

Presentation of Case Study and Identification of Special Interest Groups
A typical example facing the National Park Service is presented that demonstrates the diversity in objectives associated with water resources decision making in an environmentally conscious...

A 1990's Strategy for Combined Sewer Improvements
On June 22, 1990, the Regional Water Quality Control Board issued the City of Sacramento a Cease and Desist Order. The Order required the City to examine the condition of, and flooding...

Eastern Water Law Development: Progress and Problems
Many eastern states have replaced common-law allocation systems with administrative permitting programs. These programs share some characteristics but also have significant differences...

The Law of Interbasin Water Transfers in the East
Interbasin transfers are becoming a vital source of water supply in the eastern United States. The current governing water law, the common law of riparian rights, does not address interbasin...

Political and Institutional Constraints on Water Resources Studies
Urban water resource planning studies are conducted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at the request of a local sponsor, frequently in order to address a specific problem. The public...

Dealing with Change in Water Supply Planning
The Seattle Water Department is facing significant resource management and development decisions during the coming twenty years and must address these issues in a rapidly and often dramatically...

Water Supply Uncertainties with Federal Permitting
Providing water in a semiarid region has historically been one of the most important responsibilities of government. This task was made more difficult by the uncertainties involved with...

Water Supply and Sanitation Policies in Mexico
The National Water Commission (CNA), is the responsible Department for the Governmental Water Division in Mexico. Within the National Potable Water Supply and Sanitation Program, the Commission...

Guidelines for Water-Resource Planning under Cliamte Change
This study combines the use of several standard tools of hydrology (synthetic hydrology, flood risk analysis, reservoir simulation) with newer considerations of increased demand for water...

Regional Water-Supply Development and CWA Section 404
Regional water-supply development is generally promoted because of potential cost savings and improved system management, but regionalization may also provide an opportunity to reduce...

Public Involvement: Key to Stormwater Programs
The ultimate success of a stormwater program often depends upon the support of concerned citizens. Interaction between stormwater managers and the public is especially important in small...

Improved Finite Element Modeling with Q-MESH and PARA?LIB Parallel Processing
Distributed-memory multiprocessing, based on the Inmos transputer, provides orders-of-magnitude reductions in computing time at the lowest cost per MFLOPS. The PARA_LIB runtime library...

ASCE Annual Combined Index 1990
The 1990 ASCE Annual Combined Index provides a guide to material appearing in publications of the American Society of Civil Engineers published...





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