Development of a Knowledge-Based System for Sanitary Landfill Design
The Landfill Design Advisor (LDA) is a knowledge-based system designed for use in the preliminary design of sanitary landfills. This paper presents the methodology and techniques that...

A Computer-Integrated Approach to Teaching Engineering Mechanics
A brief survey is first presented of the evolution of computer hardware and the effect of that evolution on structural software applications and development during the past forty years....

Using Knowledge Based Systems for Training the Young Engineer
A Knowledge Based System 'HYDOC' (Hydraulic Design of Open Channels) is presented as a means to capture the knowledge of evaluating an open channel design problem to help teach evaluating...

A Flexible Structural Analysis Method for Computer-Aided Preliminary Design
This paper presents a new method for supporting structural analysis during preliminary design stage that is based on Gere's idea of 'moment distribution'. The extension is that in this...

Toward Integrated Models for Structural Design
The paper presents research toward integrated product and process models for structural design in which and each entity in the product model describes information used by activities in...

Integrated Automation Systems in Structural Engineering
This paper presents the current integrated automation systems available in the industry for structural engineering application. An integrated automation application essentially consists...

Creating Construction Documents from 3-D Computer Models
Structural engineering tasks can be broken down into three major phases; analysis, design and construction document production. Although automation techniques have focused on these phases...

A Hypermedia Constructability System
Traditional civil engineering follows as segmented process of design then construction. Separating the two provides a system of accountability and creativity. One of the shortfalls with...

Computer Aided Design in Civil Engineering Based Upon the OODBMS ONTOS
Recent research in numerous projects carried out at the Institute of Computational Engineering (ICE) demonstrates the capability of object-oriented database management systems (OODBMS),...

SteelDEM: An Interactive Multimedia Intelligent Tutor and Teaching Aid for Structural Steel Design
SteelDEM integrates full motion video, computer graphics, animations, text, and audio to allow users to investigate different structural steel members and their behavior, limit states,...

A Sketch is Worth a Thousand Rule Traces
The paper presents techniques for augmenting communication among building designers by providing (1) interdisciplinary explanation facilities to visualize and annotate CAD models, such...

A Formal Product/Process Model for Engineering
This paper describes an extended object data model which is suitable for modeling complex design information. The model provides extensions to object oriented model by providing explicit...

A Framework for Collaborative Distributed Facility Engineering
A framework for collaborative distributed facility engineering is presented. This framework is an extension of an agent-based framework for facility design software integration. The focal...

Computer-Based Advisors for Environmentally Conscious Green Product Design
We report on several experimental systems intended to provide such assistance. One system intended to provide direct design advice is described in more detail. It was developed by including...

Computer Analysis of Lateral Loading in Wood-Framed Structures
Building codes and design techniques associated with single-family housing need to incorporate advances in architecture and construction so that the traditional life-safety building codes...

Interactive Cost Estimating During Design
This paper describes a model, called the Automated Interactive Cost Estimating System (AICES), which gives users access to reinforced concrete cost information that is sensitive to variations...

A Symbol-form Mapping Framework for Conceptual Design Support
Engineering design involves a strong notion of the geometric structure of design artifacts. Research efforts to support the geometric aspects of design have concentrated on the representation...

Constraint Management on Distributed AEC Configurations
Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) design processes involve the participation of many designers who may be working independently in geographically distinct locations. We...

Computer-Assisted Instruction in Civil Engineering
Computer-assisted instruction (CAI) software offers several advantages over traditional classroom instruction which makes it a useful addition to any curriculum, and the area is rapidly...

The BS8110 CAL Program for Teaching RC Design
This paper describes the main features of RC-CAL, a computer-aided-learning courseware for reinforced concrete design to BS8110, the British Code of Practice. Results of an evaluation...





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