What's Happened to the Quality of Asphalt�
After the 1973 oil embargo, state highway departments began complaning that the asphalt cement supplied by refineries did not have as before. Although the asphalt met departmental specifications,...

Sand to Sandstone: Foundation Strengthening with Chemical Grout
A large school in San Francisco, built in 1930, was in need of structural rehabilitation to eliminate earthquake hazards. Founded on loose, windblown fine sand, the footings were subject...

Toxic Chemicals in New Jersey's Environment: Cancer Link�
New Jersey has one of the highest cancer rates in the United States. It is also second in manufacture of chemicals. How are toxic chemicals getting into the New Jersey environment�� its...

How New Jersey is Handling Its Hazardous Wastes
For many years, environmental agencies have paid little attention to how industry manages and disposes of its hazardous wastes. This has been especially true in New Jersey. As a result...

Environmental Problems and Products
Solving environment-related problems with certain products in case history format. Includes: Rebuilding a pelican's nest in Colorado, erosion control. Converting a garbage...

Conflict on the Job: How to Cope
Work-related conflicts, according to a body of management consultants called organizational development specialists, are neither bad nor good, but inevitable. Engineers and other scientific...

Environmental Epidemiology and Sanitation
This paper reviews the key variables determining the transmission of excreta-related diseases, sets out an environmental rather than biological classification of these infections, and...

Let's Keep It In The Family
One of the most important challenges owners of private business will eventually encounter is the question of ownership succession. Unless the business owner provides the mechanism for...

Reinforced Concrete Research Council: Why So Successful�
At 30 years old the first-formed of ASCE's 14 research councils, the Reinforced Concrete Research Council is also one of the most successful. Some 40 RCRC research projects...

Personnel Management of Engineering Organizations
Which personnel management approaches are most successful, and why? We surveyed ASCE's Sections and Branches in search of answers. And reviewed the 120 or so nominations in...

Florida Sewage Plant First to Remove Nutrients with Bacteria Alone�� No Need for Costly Chemicals
Palmetto, Florida is now constructing the first advanced wastewater treatment plant in the U.S. to use the Bardenpho process. Unlike other AWT processes, this ingenious plant removes pohosphorus...

Single Additive for Recycling Asphalt Pavements
A design concept for recycling deteriorated asphalt pavements using a single reclaiming agent has been developed. The article established guidelines to help engineers determine the physical...

Can the U.S. Cope with Skyrocketing Coal Production�
Coal must become the nation's chief tool for increasing energy self-reliance. Coal is abundant. The technology to use it is available today. There is an existing production...

Containment Aspects, Scrubber Sludge Disposal System
Containment of flue gas desulfurization sludge from a coal-fired power plant was accomplished by Dravo Corporation in an environmentally acceptable manner through the construction of an...

When an Engineer Employee is Wronged
The author, as head of an employee association at a large engineering organization, wrote letters to U.S. Senators and Representatives, in an attempt to prevent increased importation of...

Are Cities Doing Enough to Remove Cancer-Causing Chemicals From Drinking Water�
Is drinking water with its more than 300 organic chemicals present in trace quantities, a cause of cancer? Are there technically and economically feasible ways to remove these chemicals?...

The Engineer: What Role in the Development of Civilization?
Two brilliant social philosophers underscored the crucial role played by the engineer in history. Karl Marx saw society as consisting of a basic structure and a superstructure. The basic...

Harnessed Water Power Spawns First Great Industrial City
Lowell, Mass. was founded in 1822 at a site on the Merrimack River. The city's developers brought together some of the most advanced ideas of the day in the areas of power...

Design/Construct Companies�� Builders for Industry
Highlights in the evaluation of design/construct companies. How Koppers is establishing better dialog with all 7,000 professional employees. How Fluor has grown thanks to gutsy hiring...

Is There Anything to �Encounter Groups'�
Group therapy in some cases is working for Weight Watchers, Alcoholics Anonymous, drug addicts, couples whose marriages are in trouble. Here are brief case histories of some of these....





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