Development of a Rule Based Expert System for Characterization of Hazardous Waste Sites
The area of hazardous waste management is a broad and multidisciplinary field requiring expertise in engineering, geology, chemistry and toxicology, and is an ideal area for the application...

Design Study of an Above-Grade Landfill
A design study on the feasibility of utilizing an above-grade landfill for the disposal of hazardous wastes has been completed. This design study comprised three phases of work - a literature...

Community Relations on Hazardous Waste Projects: A Successful Experience
Promoting good community relations is an integral part of hazardous waste projects. Before field investigations are conducted at a hazardous waste site, neighboring communities should...

Effect of Baghdad City Sewage Treatment Effluents on Dissolved Oxygen Profiles of an Iraqi River
The paper presents measured dissolved oxygen (DO) profiles in an Iraqi river in the vicinity of Baghdad City. The effect of the effluent discharges from Baghdad Sewage Treatment Plant...

Response of the Citanduy River to Developments
The sinuous alluvial reach of the Citanduy River in Java, Indonesia has been surprisingly stable in spite of man-made cutoffs which have reduced the channel length from 98. 7 km to 78....

Implications of Nitrogen Transport by the Okanagan River
The long-term mean of total nitrogen load estimated in the river channel above the inlet to Skaha Lake is 906 lb day** minus **1. The apportionment of ammonia and nitrate plus nitrite...

Computer Assisted Pavement
In Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif. a 4,300 ft. long test installation of the Contained Rock Asphalt Mat (CRAM) Pavement System is expected to have a 50 year life. It cost a third less than...

Building a Bridge Within a Bridge
The City of Grand Rapids had to replace an aging bridge connecting vital commercial centers on opposite sides of Michigan's Grand River. The city's consultants...

A Cost Effective Quality Control Program for Commercial Construction
The construction industry recognizes the important need for a formalized quality control program to assure the safety of our structures. The successful program is one in which the owner,...

The River Walks of San Antonio Move to Providence
At the historic heart of Providence, Rhode Island, three rivers divide the city into three areas. Nearly one mile of river corridors have been abused over the last century, resulting in...

The Rise of the Tall Building
The development of the high-rise frame in the U.S. was the result of a collision of many factors. The destruction of Chicago in the great fire of 1871 was one major factor in the start...

Truck Weight Enforcement on a WIM
Pavements on interstate highways and other major truck routes are deteriorating faster than predicted. The cause is largely the larger-than-predicted number of the heaviest, 5-axle trucks....

Housing and Hazardous Waste Contamination
Problems and Remedies
When hazardous waste sites are discovered in close proximity to residential areas, scientists and engineers are often faced with conducting complex studies involving many government agencies...

Microsilica Concrete: Properties and Applications
With the advent of microsilica concrete, a new generation of high to ultra high strength and high durability concretes have become commercially feasible and are now being specified and...

Concrete Space Frame Applied to an Arctic M.O.D.U.
The BOUYGUES experience in the use of concrete space frame technology for civil works and the application of this technique, combined with high strength concrete and prefabrication, to...

Skyscraper (review)
The 1984 novel Skyscraper, by civil engineer-writer Robert Byrne, tells the suspenseful story of the collapse of a new, 66 story skyscraper...

Operations Improvement through Product Evaluation
Transit Managers today are involved in a battle to maintain the quality of their systems. This paper takes a close look at several problems and then suggests a cure that can be effective...

Aesthetics of High-Rise Building Structures
The structural aesthetics of high-rise buildings is discussed, with particular emphasis on building frames, individual members and on joints and connections. Examples are given of towers...

Effects of Scale on Tall Buildings
The laws of scale in relation to structures are explored within an historic, as well as an aesthetic context. Particular emphasis is placed on the development of structural systems for...

Aesthetics and Design of Prestressed High-Rise Buildings
This paper will address the aesthetics, economic and construction-related advantages of prestressed concrete for high-rise buildings, with an emphasis on the South-East Asia region. While...





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