Ground Water Management for Wellhead Protection in a Confined to Semiconfined Aquifer, Salt Lake County, Utah
The 1986 Amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) established the first nation-wide program to protect ground water resources used for public water supplies. The SDWA seeks to...

A Framework for Integrating NPS Pollution Prevention and Optimal Perennial Groundwater Yield Planning
Water management agencies are responsible for protecting and guaranteeing the sustained availability of groundwater of adequate quality. The presented procedure helps determine water Best...

Optimizing Steady Point/Non-point Waste and Nutrient Loading to Streams
A simulation/optimization (S/O) model is presented for optimizing pollutant loading to a stream while adequately protecting surface water quality. The S/O model represents surface water...

Primary Metals and Criteria for Water use in the Columbia River, British Columbia
We assessed primarily concentrations of lead, cadmium, copper, zinc and water hardness in the Columbia River between Birchbank and Waneta. Water quality in this reach of the river is affected...

The Integration and Management of Ground- and Surface-Water Resources for Drought Response in New Castle County, Delaware
This paper reports on a program for the integration and management of ground- and surface-water resources for drought management purposes in the southeastern area of the Commonwealth of...

Controlled Versus Conventional Drainage Effects on Water Quality
Fertilized cropland is a nonpoint source of nitrogen and phosphorus which can contribute to nutrient enrichment problems prevalent in many surface water ecosystems. Research has shown...

Effect of Agricultural Drainage on Water Quality in the Northeastern U.S. and Canada
Drainage has been used in the northeastern U.S. since colonial times. It has only been since the 1970s subsurface drains have been installed at a significant rate in Quebec. Drainage in...

Effect of Agricultural Drainage on Water Quality in the Southeastern Coastal Plain
This paper is designed to consolidate selected research and results from investigations of the impacts of agricultural drainage on water quality in North Carolina, South Carolina, and...

Evaporation Pond Hydrology
Drainwater evaporation ponds are impoundment facilities designed for drainwater disposal by evaporation. In California, these ponds are typically constructed on the clay soils of the western...

Pond Water, Sediment and Crystal Chemistry
The chemistry of pond waters is characterized with respect to TDS, major solute species and trace elements. Similar chemical characteristics are presented for pond bottom sediments as...

Food-Chain Transfer of Trace Elements to Wildlife
Trace elements in agricultural subsurface drainage water may bioaccumulate in wildlife through their feeding on organisms living in evaporation ponds or other habitats that receive the...

Design and Management of Evaporation Ponds
The evaporation ponds in use in the San Joaquin Valley were designed and constructed to dispose of agricultural drainage water in a region of low soil permeability and high water table....

Alternative Drain Water Management Options
Various options are available as alternatives to the shallow, large-sized, earthen evaporation basins that are customarily constructed for disposal of agricultural drainage water in California....

Electro-Osmotic Removal of Nitrates from Soils
Nitrate migration to ground and surface waters is a serious U.S. contamination threat. Electro-osmosis may be a more effective means for soil reclamation than leaching or chemical treatment....

Role of Winter Cover Crops in Reducing Nitrogen Leaching in Sandy Soils
The role of rye as a winter cover crop to reduce nitrate leaching was investigated over a three-year period on a loamy sand soil. a cover crop was planted after corn in the early fall...

Nitrate Contamination of an Alluvial Aquifer Resulting from Irrigation and Geologic Control
A nitrate sampling program was conducted in the vicinity of a rural municipality to determine the source of nitrate contamination of the municipal groundwater supply. A finite-difference...

Nitrogen Leaching from Young Florida Citrus
Sixteen buried drainage lysimeters were constructed from 2300 L polyethylene containment basins for the study. The lysimeters were 2.1 m in diameter by 0.8 m deep and were filled with...

Watertable Control and Reuse of Drain Water
One of the short term alternatives for disposal of saline groundwater is direct reuse of agricultural subsurface drainage water for irrigation of the land being drained. If the groundwater...

Development of a Selenium TMDL for the San Joaquin River
The objective of this study is to devise a user-friendly, reliable method to calculate a screening-level 'Total Maximum Daily Load' (TMDL) for the San Joaquin River and similar western...

Subterranean Disposal of Irrigation Drainage Waters in Western San Joaquin Valley
Subsurface drainage waters in the western San Joaquin Valley of California are laden with selenium and other toxic elements and above-ground disposal creates a hazard problem (Letey et...





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