Numerical Simulations of Diastolic Flow Patterns in a Model Left Ventricle with Varying Degrees of Mitral Stenosis
Blood flow patterns in the left ventricle are undoubtedly influenced by the physical and mechanical state of the natural mitral valve apparatus or the geometry of an artifical valve replacement....

A Multiple Disk Centrifugal Pump as an Artifical Ventricle
A pulsatile, multiple disk, centrifugal pump has been analysed and tested for potential use as an artificial ventricle. The pump is similar to a Tesla Turbine design which consists of...

Granular Flow on a Bumpy Inclined Chute
Theoretical predictions for steady, uniform granular flows of identical, smooth, nearly elastic disks and spheres on bumpy inclined chutes are obtained. Kinetic constitutive theory is...

Pattern Formation and Time-Dependence in Flowing Sand
The authors present results for a number of experiments on flowing granular materials and a novel cellular automata model for the flow of these materials when the grains are long and thin....

Modeling the Chaotic Behavior in Simple Shear Granular Flows
Simple shear granular flows have demonstrated a variety of puzzling phenomena. Both computer simulations and physical experiments have discovered particle grouping, layering and shear...

Mechanics of Granular Materials at Very Low Effective Stress Levels
Gravity's influence on laboratory specimens of uncemented granular materials subjected to low effective stresses, makes it impossible to evaluate constitutive properties in an unambiguous...

Influence of Gas Phase Turbulence on the Transport of Particles
An interesting and perhaps unexpected flow feature characterizing the transport of a gas-solid suspension in a vertical duct is the radial nonuniformity of particles over the tube cross-section....

Hydrogen Reduction of Lunar Soil and Simulants
Carbotek, Inc., and the Energy and Environmental Research Center (EERC) are cooperating on further development of the Carbotek process to produce oxygen from lunar ilmenite by hydrogen...

On-Orbit Assembly and Refurbishment of Lunar Transfer Vehicles
Initial flights of space-based manned lunar transfer vehicles (LTV) will require some on-orbit assembly and checkout due to mass and volume limitations of the Earth-to-orbit (ETO) launcher....

The Design and Use of Flow-Through Hold Pads
The Chicago Delay Task Force recommended the construction of nine largescale, flow-through hold pads at Chicago O'Hare International Airport to reduce the potential for airfield gridlock....

Analyzing Fast-Food Drive-Up Window Site Impacts
Peak-period queueing at a fast-food restaurant drive-up window was observed. The study found that queueing behavior equations based on random arrivals and service times overestimated the...

Trends in Published ITE Trip Generation Rates
Since 1976...

Trip Generation Rates, a Historical Look
This paper compares the 1990 weighted average trip generation rates of military bases, shopping malls, universities, airports, and hospitals for San Antonio-Bexar County and Amarillo,...

Estimation of Pass-By Trips Using a License Plate Survey
The objective of the study was to determine whether it is possible to estimate the percentage of pass-by trips using a license plate survey instead of the traditional interview survey....

Improvements on Quantifying Pass-By Trips for Shopping Centers
Improvements to the procedures for quantifying pass-by trips (T), handling imbalanced traffic volume conditions, and collecting field pass-by trip data are suggested. A simpler model which...

Hotel-Casino Trip Generation Analysis Using GIS
Trip rates and models for developments such as resorts and major hotels are commonly based on a single explanatory factor or an activity unit such as floor area, number of employees, number...

Access Control to Projects Via Raised Islands
When addressing driveway maneuvers at a new development, alleged ailments Must be quantified before drafting a cure. If a problem is anticipated, alternative solutions should be investigated,...

3-D Particle Tracking for the New York Bight
This paper describes the development and testing of a three-dimensional particle tracking model for the New York Bight. A number of particle tracking options have been developed to predict...

An Experimental Model Using a Graphical User Interface
This paper describes a program named Plume which runs on a microcomputer. The intended function of the program is to enhance an investigator's understanding of the estuarine environment...

Techniques for Visualization of Estuarine and Coastal Flow Fields
A variety of formats for the display of velocity vector components are presented and assessed. The effective transmittal of information to the viewer is the criterion emphasized. The special...





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