Schoharie Creek Bridge Model Study
On April 5, 1987, a major storm occurred in the Schoharie Creek watershed and the resulting flood caused the bridge to fail. The hydraulic model of the bridge was performed to simulate...

FLDWAV: A Generalized Flood Routing Model
A new unsteady flow simulation model, FLDWAV, has been developed by the National Weather Service for application on either micro-, mini-, or mainframe computers. FLDWAV is based on an...

Evaluation of Diffusion Models for Flood Routing
A study has been conducted to define the range of conditions with respect to hydrographs and channels encountered by SCS engineers in flood plain/flood control projects and to test two...

Flood Event Prediction with Movable Bed Model
This study shows the applicability of using a numerical sedimentation model to analyze various problems related to flood-control design in an alluvial river. Problems concerned with maintaining...

A Simulation Technique for Modeling Flow on Floodplains and in Coastal Wetlands
The system design is premised on a proven, areal two-dimensional, finite-difference flow/transport model which is supported by an operational set of computer programs for input data management...

Twenty Years of Experience in Unsteady Flow Modeling of Open Channels at TVA
Two concerns prompted the development of dynamic methods for flow routings: (a) the safety of the nuclear plants being planned along the Tennessee River in the 1960's and...

Frequency of Flood Extremes
A variety of flood-frequency approaches are reviewed and evaluated in this study. The concept of return period is re-examined and its implication on the meaning of extreme events is given...

Summary of Floods and Droughts in the United States
This paper describes a current national analysis of streamflow data being conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey to identify and map, in a consistent State-by-State format, the frequency...

Modeling Side-Weir Diversions for Flood Control
Side-channel weirs can be used for diversion to reduce flood peaks. This study has developed a means for incorporating the effects of side weirs in HEC-1 and HEC-2 calculations through...

Studies of Hydraulic Jump by the Flow Routing
The high energy of floodwater passing from a reservoir needs to be dissipated to prevent scouring and damage from the dam and other downstream structures. Hydraulic jump is a common way...

Hydrologic Safety of Earth Dams
Hydrologic and hydraulic analyses are presented pertaining to the safety evaluation of an earth dam located downstream of another smaller earth dam. The upper dam is assumed to breach...

Computer Aided Hydraulic Design of Open Channels
The results of tests by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers District, Los Angeles (LAD), became a major part of the Corps' EM 1110-2-1601, Hydraulic Design of Flood Control Channels....

For Want of a Bolt...
While counterfeit bolt-nut imports make sensational headlines, civil engineers should be more concerned with actual construction problems that have arisen in the past decade. Experts say...

Interaction of Large Depression Storage with an Aquifer
In the south-western part of Ghaggar basin, there exist an isolated but interconnected series of nineteen aeolian sand dune depressions in Sriganganagar district of Rajasthan (India) which...

Review of the Nation's Water Resources Infrastructure Needs
Also published in Critical Water Issues and Computer Applications...

Inexpensive Geo-Coding for Water Utilities
Geo-Coding enables Hackensack Water Company to optimize meter reading and customer service routing; to analyze water consumption data at a micro level, and relate that data to census and...

A Flood in the Desert
Since 1982 the Great Salt Lake has risen from an elevation of 4,200 ft above mean sea level to a historic high of 4,211.85 ft in June 1986. The sharp rise in the lake has caused considerable...

The Policy Roots of Louisiana's Land Loss Crisis
Louisiana is currently losing approximately 155 square kilometers of highly productive wetlands to the Gulf of Mexico each year and the rate is accelerating. The physical cause of the...

Restoring the Redwood Creek Estuary
During the mid-1960's, construction of a flood control project drastically altered the lower 5. 1 kilometers of Redwood Creek, impairing the physical and biological functioning...

Coastal Flood Control Facility Design Parameters
The development of design parameters for a storm runoff detention facility located on lowlands adjacent to an estuary and discharging into the tidal zone are discussed. The parameters...





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