Classification and Prediction of Buoyant Surface Discharges
Past efforts to predict the dilution and geometric characteristics of buoyant surface flows have relied on integral modelling techniques involving the solution of a series of differential...

Application of a Generalized Risk Dynamic Model to a Spillway Design Flood
Risk analysis can provide a logical basis for selecting the optimal design capacity of a flow conveyance hydraulic structure for the least total cost or specified non-exceeding risk levels....

A New Approach to Local Scour Depth Estimation Under a Horizontal Jet or Free Water Fall
A new formula is presented to estimate the local scour depth development with time due to a horizontal jet or free water fall based on a new approach which combines the concept of energy...

Spatially Varying Velocity Distribution in Non-uniform Open Channel Flow
The spatial variation of velocity distribution in non-uniform flows were studied, within the framework of a velocity distribution model derived by a probabilistic formulation and entropy-maximization....

Measurement of Air Entrained Flow Properties
The paper discusses conventional methods used in the field to measure bubble size, air concentration, intermittency, and velocity of air entrained flows in chutes....

Large Woody Debris Effects on Channel Friction Factor
A simple method for quantifying large woody debris (LWD) density and computing associated friction factors was developed and tested using data from the South Fork Obion River in western...

Ultrasonic Velocity Meter Used in Stream Gaging
Many streams and canals in Florida are affected by tides or control structures and experience very low flow velocities at times. For example, the St. Johns River in northeastern Florida...

Vortex at Hydraulic Intakes with Asymmetric Approach Flows
The formation of vortices at intakes can disrupt normal operating procedures and damage hydraulic machinery. Asymmetric approach flow and a protruding pier (normal wall) contribute to...

Field Measurement of Hydrodynamics and Sediment Transport of the Mississippi River at Old River
Two detailed field surveys of the hydrodynamics and suspended sediment transport of the Mississippi River at the Old River Control Structure complex were completed in February and June...

Return Velocities Induced by Shallow-Draft Navigation
Return velocities are caused by the displacement effects of vessels as they travel in navigation channels. Numerous return velocity equations have been developed for relatively small channels...

A Dynamic Runoff Model for Disturbed Hillslopes
A dynamic runoff model is developed for use in analyzing the hydrologic response of disturbed hillslopes. The model employs an explicit form of the Green-Ampt equation which is coupled...

On The Application of Artificial Viscosity in Computational Hydraulics
Artificial viscosity is a particular kind of truncation error that is either implicity present or explicitly added to the finite difference schemes. It is shown that the method of lines...

A Study of Friction Factor for Flow in Gravel Bed Channels
For many years practicing engineers have faced the problem of predicting the resistance to flow in channels with rough surface. Flow in channel is a complex interaction between surface...

Diffuser Design for Water Quality-Based Toxics Control
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regulations require that the discharge of toxic pollutants to the waters of the United States be controlled. These regulatory requirements have made...

Modeling of Dispersion in Natural Streams with Pools and Riffles
The non-Fickian nature of the dispersion process in natural channels with pools and riffles has been investigated through both laboratory experiments and the numerical solution of a proposed...

Circulation Patterns Within the Near-Shore Region of the Southern Basin of Lake Michigan
The southwestern basin of Lake Michigan has been subject to extreme stresses because of its close proximity to large populations. A knowledge of the current patterns within this zone would...

Model Studies on Local Scour
In this investigation, the scaling procedure of a scour model in the laboratory has been indicated. The results have been compared with the prototype data....

Fluid Mud Problems in Lakes, Reservoirs and Detention Ponds
An experimental study of wind induced surfacing of fluid mud bottoms in shallow water has been conducted. The experiments involved a channel placed within a wind tunnel, where a two-layered,...

Effect of Manning's Roughness Coefficient in Simulating Flow Parameters in Natural Channels
Manning's roughness coefficients are presented for three of the oldest and largest irrigation canals in Egypt. The discharges ranges from 35 to 318 m3/s....

Formation of Droplets from Bursting Bubbles at an Air-Water Interface
The breakup of an air bubble at a still water surface leads to the formation of two distinct droplet families known respectively as film drops and jet drops. The former are the tiny fragments...





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