The Local Perspective on Agricultural Drainage
This paper discusses shallow, perched groundwater and resulting agricultural drainage and salt problems that have developed in the San Joaquin Valley of California over the past 30 years....

Artificial Recharge for Managing the Great Salt Lake
During the past three years, precipitation amounts throughout the drainage basin have significantly exceeded normal values. The resulting record breaking inflow volumes and lower than...

River Basin Network Model for Conjunctive Use of Surface and Groundwater
A generalized river basin computer model called CONSIM is presented for management of the conjunctive use of surface and subsurface storage in an interconnected stream-aquifer system....

Simple Removal and Recovery of Irrigation Drainage Salts
This paper reports on preliminary tests of an alternative for simple removal and recovery of irrigation drainage salt. Using a novel system for evaporating waters from capillary surfaces,...

Optimizing Drain Spacing and Depth Using Steady State Equations
A method is developed for minimizing the total cost of establishing relief drains by choosing appropriate depth and spacing of the drains. Solution graphs are presented for a wide range...

Agricultural Drainage Water Treatment?Are Toxic Elements Useful?
The problems pertaining to disposing of agricultural drainage water in the San Joaquin Valley are explained. Details are presented on a pilot plant which is pretreating the drainage water...

Real-Time Precipitation-Snowmelt Model for the Monongahela River Basin
The Pittsburgh District, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, is responsible for operating two multipurpose reservoirs in the 7400 square mile Monongahela Basin, which is located in Pennsylvania,...

Rainfall-Loss Parameter Estimation for Illinois
The U. S. Geological Survey is currently conducting an investigation to estimate values of parameters for two rainfall-loss computation methods used in a commonly used flood-hydrograph...

Toe Drain System?Barr and Milton Reservoirs, CO
The purpose of this paper is to describe the design and construction of toe drains in difficult soil conditions for two 70 plus year old dams in Colorado using a unique toe drain installation...

Scale Model Study Benefits Hydropower Project
The Jim Falls Project on the Chippewa River in Central Wisconsin deals with the replacement of an aged 11 MW run-of-river hydropower plant by a 48 MW peaking plant. A hydraulic model built...

Meadow ET in the Bear River Basin of Utah, Wyoming and Idaho
This study was begun in 1982 to assist the Bear River Commission in their statutory obligation of determining a duty of water under the Bear River compact. The study involved installing...

Solving Stormwater Drainage Problems Through an Area Drainage Master Study Program
The Flood Control District of Maricopa County, Arizona, is the floodplain and stormwater management agency for the most densely populated county in the State. A major new tool being used...

Design Storms for Urban Drainage
The characteristics of design storms for urban drainage are reviewed. There are indications that, under certain conditions, design storms produce runoff simulation results which are equivalent...

Characteristics of Intense Storms in Kansas
This paper examines point-rainfall characteristics of intense storms in Kansas. Hourly rainfall records were analyzed for 1006 intense storms selected from some 1800 station-years of data....

Management Practices for Erosion and Sediment Control in Irrigated Agriculture
Basin irrigating rice can reduce suspended sediment loads in water because the basins serve as sediment retention basins. Furrow erosion causes significant suspended sediment loads in...

Regional Detention Basins as a Flood Control Solution
Through engineering studies the Harris County Flood Control District (HCFCD) has identified a feasible regional flood control project which can be constructed with local funding and would...

Flood Control, Water Conservation, and Urban Change
Los Angeles County has one of the largest, most complex and effective systems of flood control and water conservation facilities in the United States. It includes 14 major dams, 125 debris...

Prediction of Sediment Yield for Southern California Watersheds
The objective of this paper is to present a scientific method based on multiple linear regression analysis between the sediment yield per square mile and a number of physically realistic...

Conjunctive Use Project in Beebe Draw, Co.
A geologically and hydrologically unique alluvial ground water basin, and the hydrologic interaction among aquifer, ground water pumping for irrigation, and the surface water storage and...

Assessment of Drought Restriction Needs in New Jersey
Due to insufficient rainfall and related runoff during the spring of 1985, the Passaic and Hackensack River Basins in northern New Jersey and related storage reservoirs therein were able...





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