Alluvial Stream Bank Erosion?A 10-Year Study
Results of investigations of bank erosion along alluvial streams between 1977 and 1989 are given. Natural processes were found to dominate, with piping an important but hitherto unrecognized...

Bank Failure and Erosion on the Illinois Waterway
In 1988, bank failure and erosion on the Illinois Waterway were evaluated. Banks were inspected from the air and from a motor vessel; thirty-one sites were examined in detail. Severe erosion...

Low-Waterway and Bank Erosion in a River With Alternating Bars Bed
In a river with alternating bars bed, the banks are often subjected to erosion due to the convergent flow resulted from the bed geometry, even in a straight channel. It is known empirically...

Stream Bank Erosion and Bed Evolution Model
The graded sediment routing and stream bed evolution model of D.K. Borah, C.V. Alonso and S.N. Prasad is expanded by combining with a riverbank erosion model developed by Osman and Thorne....

Exceedance of Allowable Velocity in Bank Stability
The authors have developed a method to account for flow duration in the application of the allowable velocity method through comparison with observed bank instabilities on a river system....

Sediment Transport Due to Channel Flushing
Blocking of rivers and canals by sediment due to landslides or dumping of waste create problems of upstream flooding and drainage. Experiments are carried out in the present study on flushing...

Sediment Transport Modeling Considerations
In addition to understanding the theory and concepts of mathematical modeling, the engineer or scientist must also have knowledge of the river to be studied, the available data, and the...

Background and Applications of Fluvial-12
The computer program FLUVIAL-12 is formulated and developed for water and sediment routing in alluvial channels. The combined effects of flow hydraulics, sediment transport and river channel...

ASCE Task Committee on Analysis of Laboratory and Field Sediment Data Accuracy and availability
Alluvial channel observations for laboratory and field conditions have been collected throughout the twentieth century. These data have not been adequately evaluated as to accuracy or...

Total Sediment Load Calculations for Goodwin Creek
Total sediment transport load of Goodwin Creek was calculated for the period from 10/1/84 to 9/30/88 using transport relations derived from sample data for the fines (< 0.06 mm),...

Soil Erosion, Sediment Yield, and Deposition in the Illinois River Basin
The amount of soil erosion of the Illinois River Basin was estimated by using the 1982 National Resources Inventory (NRI) and the Illinois Geographic Information System (GIS). The sediment...

Bed Topography and Sorting in Alluvial Channel Bends
A quasi-three-dimensional model has been developed for the purpose of calculating the velocity distribution, the bed topography and sediment sorting along channel bends. The depth-averaged...

Surface Roughness with Erosion of Earth Channels
A determination of the stresses effective in soil detachment is essential in determining erodibility. The soil roughness that exists during testing and in natural channels is a key element...

Reducing the Potential for Flood Litigation
A flood event is usually followed by numerous damage claims that often lead to litigation. This paper proposes measures to mitigate the potential for litigation. It is stressed that an...

Implementation of FEMA Guidelines on Alluvial Fans
This paper provides a general basis for analysis and mapping of flood hazards on alluvial fans. Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) alluvial fan methodology is discussed...

Cross Sectional Area Reduction Floodway Method
Encroachment on the floodplain, such as structures and fill, reduces the stream's flood carrying capacity, increases the flood heights and velocities, and increases flood...

Identifying Causes and Predicting Effects of Bank Erosion
A number of causes of bank erosion in natural and disturbed environments are listed and described. Practical methods of predicting rates and directions of erosion in natural environments...

Geologic and Geomorphic Controls on Bank Erosion
Bank erosion is affected by both geologic (alluvial stratigraphy, sediment type, tectonics) and geomorphic (channel and valley morphology and history) variables. For example, present meander...

Hydraulic Mechanisms of Riverbank Erosion
Recent efforts are described to develop an improved understanding of bank failure due to piping in noncohesive layers in riverbanks. The efforts included field surveys and laboratory tests....

Geotechnical Aspects of River Bank Erosion
The principal geotechnical mechanisms of river bank failure are identified on the basis of extensive field investigations on many different river systems. The role of each factor depends...





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