Modeling Route Guidance Systems Using the Integration Model
In-vehicle Route Guidance Systems (RGS) have been proposed as a potentially cost-effective means of alleviating the impact of traffic congestion in urban areas. This paper describes means...

Transit Signal Priority Treatments in the Puget Sound Region
This paper documents work which has been done in the Puget Sound region toward developing a region wide signal priority treatment. The study results documented herein were accomplished...

Bellevue Smart Traveler: Reducing SOV Commuting
The Bellevue Smart Traveler (BTS) research team is currently developing a prototype traveler information center (TIC) to serve a downtown office complex in Bellevue, Washington. The goal...

Twelve Keys to Improved IVHS Evaluations
Evaluation plays an important role in the development of credible information on intelligent vehicle-highway system (IVHS) performance. In December 1992, a national workshop was held to...

In-Vehicle Crash Avoidance Warning System Technologies and Human Factors Issues
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that in 1990, motor vehicle accidents cost the nation more that $135 billion in property damage, personal injury and...

Collision Avoidance ? State of the Art
Although crashes are rare events, nearly 40,000 individuals are killed in motor vehicle crashes annually in the US. Another 3 million are injured and the societal costs exceed $137 billion...

An Example of Quantitative Evaluation of AVCS Safety
A method has been devised for expressing in absolute terms the effect on safety of various features in the design of an AVCS system. It depends on gathering data from different sources...

Establishing a Human Factors Focus and Approach for North Carolina's IVHS Efforts
The paper discusses the behavioral and human factors issues associated with the development and operation of North Carolina's CARAT program (Congestion Avoidance and Reduction for Autos...

Technology Transfer: Encouraging the Use of Advanced Technologies in Your Organization
Encouraging the evaluation, use, and development of advanced technologies throughout an organization presents a special challenge, with the rewards of successful implementation far outweighing...

Storm Sewer Analysis & Design Utilizing Hydrographs
In this paper a computer model, designated STORM.HYD, for the analysis and design of storm sewer systems utilizing a hydrograph procedure is presented and discussed. This model which actually...

Short-Span Bridge Solutions
Large bridges get most of the headlines, but the nation's huge network of small bridges (many with spans of less than 25 ft) may be more in need of replacement. Age, corrosion,...

Pioneer Highway
The 1993 Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award goes to the $490 million I-70 Glenwood Canyon in Colorado. The final link in Interstate 70 from Baltimore, Md. to Cove Fort, Utah,...

OCEA Goes Green
While spanning the range of civil engineering work, most of the nominees for this year's Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award were either designed to clean the...

Closing the Loop
The 5.1 mi Cooper River Bridge, the longest in South Carolina, completes the I 526 Mark Clark Expressway around Charleston. It is a two-way, four-lane structure with the capability of...

Well Response in a Leaky Aquifer and Computational Interpretation of Pumping Tests
An analytic solution is derived describing flow in a horizontal confined leaky aquifer of infinite extent around a fully penetrating well of negligible storage capacity. The differences...

Scour Analysis at Highway Structures
ASCE Manual 54 entitled, `Sedimentation Engineering' is being revised. In the revision, a chapter on `Scour at Highway Bridges' will be included. This paper will describe in general terms...

Quality Control and Quality Assurance Plan for Bridge Channel-Stability Assessments in Massachusetts
A quality control and quality assurance plan has been implemented as part of the Massachusetts bridge scour and channel-stability assessment program. This program is being conducted by...

Screening of Bridges in New Jersey for Scour
New Jersey Department of Transportation has embarked on a program to evaluate all existing bridges over waterways to assess their vulnerability to failure by scour. The Stage I (Screening...

Quality Control in Evaluating Scour at Bridges
Quality control procedures currently in use for conducting statewide bridge scour screening and evaluation studies are described. The procedures address bridge scour screening and calculation...

New Jersey Bridge Scour Evaluation Program
The New Jersey Department of Transportation has undertaken an ambitious scour evaluation program for the existing waterway bridges in the state. The methodology developed and utilized...





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