Incorporating 3-D Effects into a 2-D Model
Some three-dimensional (3-D) effects may be incorporated into vertically averaged two-dimensional models. This is demonstrated with a case study where the effects of a complex system of...

Generation of Steady Density Currents Through Boundary Layer Control
The paper reports on a study to explore the conditions that trigger bifurcation of ambient flow/intrusion interaction into one of two drastically different regimes, i. e. current versus...

Hydraulics of Broad Crested Weirs
The paper presents a general, basic discussion of the title subject. It begins with a definition for the broad crested weir and analytical concepts. Subjects covered subsequently include...

Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds (TR-55 Rev.)
A microcomputer program is being prepared for the upcoming revision of the Soil Conservation Service's 'Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds,' Technical...

A Quick Micro-Computer Urban Runoff Model
The Penn State Direct Hydrograph Model PSDH described in this paper uses watershed and rainfall data to generate a synthetic unit hydrograph and a runoff hydrograph, both gamma-distributed....

Automated Measurement of Soil/Water Properties
An automated data-acquisition system was constructed to permit continuous operation of laboratory equipment. The apparatus was used to monitor flow through fine-grained, 'undisturbed'...

A Low-Cost, Microcomputer-Based Field Data Acquisition System
This paper discusses the selection and development of a micro-computer-based data acquisition system used for collecting aquifer test data. Primary components of the data collection system...

Tidal Modelling on IBM Microcomputers
The finite element code, QUIET, for the simulation of two-dimensional shallow water flow has been adapted from its mainframe form for use on the IBM PC, PC/XT, or AT. The model uses of...

Finite Element Analysis of Recirculating Flows
The primitive variable and stream-function-vorticity forms of depth averaged viscous fluid flow equations are compared via finite element computations on problems with the same meshes...

Explicit Finite Element Model for Long Water Waves
An explicit finite element model for free-surface flow is presented. The model is capable of simulating long waves of various orders of approximation in one and two space dimensions. The...

Measurement of Hydraulic Conductivity Variation
For a confined, sandy aquifer, the dependence of the horizontal hydraulic conductivity on the vertical coordinate has been measured using single-well tracer injection/recovery experiments....

Transients in Empty Pipes Subject to Rapid Filling
A mathematical model was developed to simulate the pipe filling process and the pipe forces based on incompressible water column theory. The method easily accomodates appropriate boundary...

Series Finished Water Pumping Facilities
The paper discusses studies and design of series finished water pumping facilities for the Potomac River Water Treatment Facilities. Detailed hydraulic studies were conducted which concluded...

Quick Stroking: A Fast and Accurate Algorithm for Time-Optimal Valve Closure Synthesis
In this paper, a fast, simple, yet effective technique for valve motion synthesis is developed. This technique called Quick Stroking is applied to a practical example problem, and it may...

SWRRB.80: A Basin Scale Model for Microcomputers
The SWRRB (Simulator for Water Resources on Rural Basins) model was developed by the USDA Agricultural Research Service to simulate the daily stream flow, and sediment loads from agricultural...

Data Acquisition and Control for Hydraulic Models
The Waterways Experiment Station is expanding the use of computer controlled data acquisition and control equipment on a variety of hydraulic models. These systems are presently being...

Recent Developments in Hydrologic Instrumentation
The availability of space-age materials and implementation of state-of-the-art electronics is making possible the recent developments of hydrologic instrumentation. Material developments...

A Microcomputer Dispersivity Evaluation Method for Thick Aquifers
The Littoral Environment Observation (LEO) program uses volunteer observers recruited to obtain daily visual observations of such coastal variables as breaker height, wave period, direction...

Littoral Environment Observation Program
This paper presents a method for determining the longitudinal, transverse, and vertical dispersivities of a thick aquifer for a free convection tracer test using only measurements from...

Development of a Practical Method Simulating Oil Spill Migration (OSPIM) in Soils
Many ground-water modeling studies can be performed on currently available microcomputers. The greatest problem associated with the proliferation of ground-water modeling software for...





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