The Resident Engineer as Construction Team Member
The success of a construction project is affected by the actions of the resident engineer (RE). Good REs don't come off the street; they are developed through training and...

The Role of the V.A. Resident Engineer
The Resident Engineer plays a vital part on the Veterans Administration construction team. He serves as a hub for communications between the various members of the team as well as the...

Project Coordination Resident Engineering Costs Versus Construction Costs for New York City Department of Environmental Protection
The paper explains how the New York City Department of Environmental Protection has successfully completed a 1 billion construction program using only resident engineer inspection services....

The Resident Engineer?Staffing the Team
One of the initial actions a Resident Engineer (RE) must grapple with each time he begins a new construction project is how to staff his construction team. The balancing of the type and...

Constraints of Personnel Staffing and Funding
Staffing and project funding are discussed in this paper as they relate to the accomplishment of the construction office responsibilities for the Central Arizona Project. General staffing...

Project Administration
The paper discusses the vital issues involved for the efficient administration of a construction contract: effective communication, field office staffing, long lead procurement of equipment,...

Ensuring Quality Construction
This paper describes the US Army Corps of Engineers' efforts at procuring quality construction: 1) a three-phase approach (preparatory, initial, follow-up) was developed to...

Construction Scheduling for Public Sector Projects
The paper presents some types of scheduling systems that are utilized in Postal Service projects as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each. It is suggested that schedule approval...

Holding Down the Cost of Change
The most significant element in reducing the cost of contractual and project changes is the resident engineer and how he and his staff handle those changes. As discussed in this paper,...

The Resident Engineer
In this paper, the author defines the resident engineer's (RE) role based on his experiences. His illustrations of the RE as engineer, interpreter, issuer of change orders,...

The R.E. in Private Sector Construction
The author relates a private sector construction experience and gives a list of the lessons learned within the project duration, that is, prior to construction start and after construction...

Navy Construction Contract Administration
A U. S. Navy Civil Engineer Corps Officer portrays the varied responsibilities of a Resident Engineer administering construction contracts for the military service. The challenges, rewards...

The Corps Resident Engineer
The paper briefly defines the authority, duties and responsibilities of a resident engineer (RE) in the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers. Based on these, it is concluded that the RE has the...

The Construction Engineer, Bureau of Reclamation
The Construction Engineer's responsibility for the Bureau of Reclamation covers, staffing, contract administration, design data collection, funding, claims, and supervision...

The Resident Engineer's Role in Multiple Contracts
This paper addresses the role of the Resident Engineer who functions either as a General, Electrical, Mechanical or Mechanization Engineer in multiple prime construction contracts. By...

The Resident Engineer as a Communicator
Communication is an important part of the Resident Engineer's job of Contract Administration. This article focuses on the problems facing the Resident Engineer in communicating...

Challenge to the Resident Engineer
This paper examines that which makes a good engineer, whether or not the contract language plays a part in his effective performance, personality traits, and if there exists a proper contract-resident...

Can We Save the Ogallala?
The useful life of the Ogallala Aquifer, which underlies seven western states, can be extended indefinitely through water conservation in the widest sense of the term. In addition to optimization...

Hydropower's Newest Generation
Higher energy prices and strong incentives from the federal government have caused hydropower developers to consider sites that just a few years ago were scoffed at as mere trickles. Intense...

Two Projects Became One
Nontraditional funding and a new law were required before two Cortez, Colo. projects could be combined. Building a new canal and enlarging and lining an existing one to move water in essentially...





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