Optimal Weekly Operation of a System of Three Multipurpose Reservoirs
Marion, Council Grove, and John Redmond Lakes located in the Upper Neosho-Cottonwood River basin are an integral part of the State Water Marketing Program of Kansas. In addition to water...

Engineering and Policymaking: The Platte River in Nebraska
Substantial conflict exists over proposed water projects in the Platte River Basin of Nebraska. A computer simulation model, representing the engineering and environmental dimensions of...

Modeling to Generate Alternatives: A Review
Modeling to generate alternatives (MGA) is a species of multiobjective programming in which some relevant objectives and perhaps some constraints are deliberately left unquantified. The...

Integrating Policy Factors in Stream-Aquifer Models
One of the main issues appearing today in the field of water resources is the management of complex hydrologic systems consisting of surface streams and aquifers. The management problem...

Intense Storms and the Runoff Coefficient
During prolonged, intense storms the runoff coefficient increases in value and approaches one irrespective of the vegetation and soil characteristics of the watershed. As the runoff coefficient...

Unique Flood and Drainage Problems in Los Angeles
Storm drainage for the coastal cities has to traverse highly used sandy recreational beaches. Due to new requirements on the construction of storm drains to the ocean, a beach outlet has...

Modification of the Step Drawdown Test for Pump Selection
This paper suggests a slightly modified mathematical model for pump tests whose aim is to design the correct pump for a well. The advantage of the model presented is that it incorporates...

A 2-D Model for the Guaiba Estuary (Brazil)
On the northeastern edge of the Guaiba is Porto Alegre, with more than 1 million inhabitants. A navigation channel through the Guaiba Estuary and the Patos Lagoon links the city to the...

Hydrodynamic Simulation of the Upper Potomac Estuary
Hydrodynamics of the upper extent of the Potomac Estuary between Indian Head and Morgantown, Md. , are simulated using a two-dimensional model. The model computes water-surface elevations...

Hydraulic Modeling for Ecological Research
Because of the problems and expenses of a continuous data collection program for large rivers, it was decided to develop an integrated hydrodynamic and biological model for the Illinois...

Effect of Baghdad City Sewage Treatment Effluents on Dissolved Oxygen Profiles of an Iraqi River
The paper presents measured dissolved oxygen (DO) profiles in an Iraqi river in the vicinity of Baghdad City. The effect of the effluent discharges from Baghdad Sewage Treatment Plant...

Math Modeling of Mixing Zones in River Systems
A numerical mixing zone model was developed utilizing an implicit finite difference method with a weighted numerical scheme. The model was based on the two-dimensional advection-dispersion...

Computer Aided River Basin Management in the Alps
The present paper outlines progress in developing river basin management potential through joint research on several Alpine River Systems including the Avisio, Brenta, and Cordevole. Applications...

Interactive simulation of Water Resource Systems
This paper outlines some of the research currently underway at Cornell aimed at the design of an interactive simulation methododology. It describes the general approach to simulation modeling,...

Continuous Modelling of Downstream River Erosion Caused by 40 Years of Urbanization
The US EPA Stormwater Management Model (SWMM3) was installed on an IBM-PC compatible network. The adapted program, known as PCSWMM3, and incorporating a simple algorithm for modelling...

A New Methodology for Modelling Water Pipe Breaks
A new methodology for modelling breaks in large diameter cast-iron water pipes is proposed. The need to consider two separate stages of deterioration (early stages with fewer breaks and...

Converting a Mainframe Erosion Simulation Model to a Microcomputer Software
In this paper, techniques for mainframe to micro conversion are discussed. As a practical case, an erosion simulation model was used. The created software predicts distribution of erosion...

A Computer Model for Oil Slick Transport in Rivers
A computer model for simulating oil slick transport in rivers is presented. In the model the effects of advection, spreading, evaporation, and dissolution on the transformation of an oil...

In-Situ Microocosms for Calibrating Dynamic Models
The calibration of dynamic water quality models for lakes and reservoirs requires significant quantities of data, experience, and judgement. In particular, the identification of an appropriate...

Orleans Parish Drainage Improvements
A case study of the development of an urban drainage master plan for Orleans Parish, Louisiana is presented. The Parish, which occupies an area of approximately 98,000 acres, lies entirely...





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